Friday, September 18, 2009 @ 12:31 AM
Many many things happened in the early midnight, dajie, elsie. .both my dearest sisters are having problem in the same time. Felt so helpless, so lonely was confused don't know what to do at that moment. Praying that someone could actually share my thoughts, logg in msn in the early morn, thanks god, he appeared. Told x.ji about all thats happen, first thing he ask was, "Need me to go over?", but i replied him, i guess not. After thinking and thinking, guess better to ask him acc me over to dajie's place and so i asked him but this time he said, actually sometimes, we also cant interfere much, ya i know but this time is different thing. Ringed him, made myself angry, everytime also like that want, every single matter he will also add me in, what has pass had already pass u said u dun wish to talk about the past then y u still bring up, arghh anything u like la. . then confirm whether he's going with me anot, he asked, "I can say i don't want go mai?" i said "NO". He left with no choice, asked him to hurry up, chicken egg told me he on his way back home and give him 2hours to prepare. Damn it, i said okay lo, meanwhile can also wait for my dad as i also dun have cash with me. After awhile, dajie called saying her mum's going over. Then i called that slow pig, told him that maybe we don't have to go over already, then he asked me to ask alen call him. Lol two kuku dun neo talk about wad, talk so long stupid him still dun wanna tell me wad they've said. Idiot pig!! and birthday that thing u also haven tell me yet, owe me lots!!. .After hang up wit him, was damn tired already, didn't sleep for the whole night. About 11plus, while watching la bi xiao xin i fell asleep. Hope everything will be fine and my two sister, nothing will happen to u gals anymore. And that idiot wouldn't make me grieve and piss off me again. .i wish all of us will live on with happiness to the fullest. .God please bless all. .
Many many things happened in the early midnight, dajie, elsie. .both my dearest sisters are having problem in the same time. Felt so helpless, so lonely was confused don't know what to do at that moment. Praying that someone could actually share my thoughts, logg in msn in the early morn, thanks god, he appeared. Told x.ji about all thats happen, first thing he ask was, "Need me to go over?", but i replied him, i guess not. After thinking and thinking, guess better to ask him acc me over to dajie's place and so i asked him but this time he said, actually sometimes, we also cant interfere much, ya i know but this time is different thing. Ringed him, made myself angry, everytime also like that want, every single matter he will also add me in, what has pass had already pass u said u dun wish to talk about the past then y u still bring up, arghh anything u like la. . then confirm whether he's going with me anot, he asked, "I can say i don't want go mai?" i said "NO". He left with no choice, asked him to hurry up, chicken egg told me he on his way back home and give him 2hours to prepare. Damn it, i said okay lo, meanwhile can also wait for my dad as i also dun have cash with me. After awhile, dajie called saying her mum's going over. Then i called that slow pig, told him that maybe we don't have to go over already, then he asked me to ask alen call him. Lol two kuku dun neo talk about wad, talk so long stupid him still dun wanna tell me wad they've said. Idiot pig!! and birthday that thing u also haven tell me yet, owe me lots!!. .After hang up wit him, was damn tired already, didn't sleep for the whole night. About 11plus, while watching la bi xiao xin i fell asleep. Hope everything will be fine and my two sister, nothing will happen to u gals anymore. And that idiot wouldn't make me grieve and piss off me again. .i wish all of us will live on with happiness to the fullest. .God please bless all. .
I felt that i can't hardly bear with it anymore, is this the only way to prove how deep our love and bond would be? I hate it. .
Wanted to let off everything actually, but i choose to give u all my trust again. Don't kept saying, i've think too much, i really hope i'm thinking too much also. But thanks for explaining everything:) i'm so gald to heard that u are fine, please be careful dun get yourself sick again and make all of us worry. .Suddenly felt so refreshing after knowing u had recovered, seem like i'm going to recover too. Now i can truly feels that, its right, no one here to save me, you're the only thing i know like the back of my hand. His the song in the car i kept singing, don't know why i do. .Prayed to god, hoping u will be fine and could get back to work today, thanks god. No more pain, no more hurts, no more crying. .God please continue to help him, save him from all his trouble. .不管昨天你对我说过了什么,今天的我还是依然依然的沉默. 两个人 生气着, 谈着谁先舍不得, 你别这样来试探我们的缘分. 不管昨天我对你说过了什么, 今天的你还是依然依然的自我. 问这要到什么时候, 才会觉得无法忍受. 难道这样才能证明爱得有多深. 所以爱我几分, 这是你不停的疑问. 你的心里对我有多认真, 何必执着在我的部分. 所以爱有几分, 这是你永远的疑问, 只有最后一切才有定论. 最后值不值得还失去了有什么好真, 就在转身之后, 我的不舍有多么的真.
I've finally found you, i'm so sorry for all the paranoid. I was damn worry, i'm sorry sorry really very sorry. . You got to take gd care of ur own alright. Naughty, hand infection causes u high fever:( hope you will be fine. Once again sorry for everything and all the nasty words i've said to you, do forgive my paranoidness, i promise no more 2nd time. .Coming up next, my dear son Anton's birthday. .gosh i'm broke!! Dear boy, please get back to work soon, i guess dad wouldn't give me allowance till u are back. .get well real soon my dear. . .God bless you. .
Sick. .cramp like hundreds of elephants dashing over my stomach, mummy came back and visited me today, brought the gastric pills for me, i dun also dun know is my stomach or gastric having problem, mum told me is gastric aiya dun neo la, juz know i'm in pain, stomach pain, gastric pain, heart pain. .pain all over me. .All i need is just that little concern of urs, but u just asked y i look so shagg. Where are you where are you where are you? Didn't u said u will accompany me through everything. .You didn't call for the day, didn't know if u got go work a not, dad didn't call also, hai, dun even dare to call my dad scare tat u nvr go work and if dad ask about it how am i going to ans?? Damn it. . full of questions in my brain, wad should i do or wad i am i going to do. .Alen and Angela told me you have to work and u told this to them, but you said to me that u wasn't in the mood to work this few days isn't it? Have u disappeared to no where, if not please appear even its in my dream, i cant find u, i really cant find u. .
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