Saturday, August 22, 2009 @ 8:51 PM
Woke up in the afternoon, waited for bee and x.ji to call then prepared and went down to buy carry fish head and fish soup as x.ji was sick, he cant take carry and i've also brought harb tea for them. It was raining damn heavily, cabbed of to fetch bee at his place then headed to bugis and met up with x.ji. LoL stupid him, ask me to fetch meet him at wad sun plaza at bugis, the cab uncle said " Sun plaza?, sunplaza at sambawang la, bugis is Sunshine plaza!!" make me so ps hahas. When both of us reached sunshine plaza asked the guard for smoking area, the guard said, " Just smoke anywhere you want" haha then we just smoke anywhere there. Waited for x.ji to come and accompany him to get his tickets then we headed to bugis temple and prayed for their event. X.ji brought me to a place to seat as we brought lots of stuffs, so i waited for them and look after the stuffs outside the temple. When they are done, waited for angela to call and all of us headed to Ritz Calton Hotel. Such a nice place, 6star hotel with luxury suite:) when we reach there, walked around the place and have our meals there, the carry fish head was damn spicy all of us cant take it, bee wanted to give me some rice but i give it back to him cause i don't like rice then someone nag again, "See here u come again, don't want meat dun wan eat this dun wan eat that" i really dun like not i don't want. After our meal x.ji took some personal photos of bee hahas, his post was damn cute. Then we had some rest, relax and chatted in the hotel room, Alen and x.ji like good friend chatting about things which me and angela don't understand at all, their Wrx hahas so both of us guai guai seated beside and listen lo. After that bee went to the bath room and wah again, he wanted to bath but don't know to start from where cause damn lots of things in the bath room. After bee is x.ji's turn, lol he so funny, switched off all the lights in the bath room and poured a glass of green tea and bath. When x.ji is out, phone rang, work time again, alen pass him the room key and he went down to merina for meeting while me and bee stayed in the room to packed and stamp the tickets. Lol lots of tickets to stamp, both me and bee stamped till stomach pain. Both of us stamp wrong some of the tickets gosh, scared x.ji scold, just after, x.ji was back, so fast man. Then xiaoji checked all the tickets lucky nvr get scold, he only asked us to restamp it. -_-!! Everyone was soon hungry for food again, angela and alen went down to get long john and mac back, watched tv while eating. Lim called, asked me to take wad cooking course lol, gal i think i'm helpless, ppl will cook for me next time hahas, then talk about thomas, x.ji was behind heard us talking, and asked wad touch touch??, thomas is a good guy, if he want to touch me, long ago he will touch, wouldn't wait until now no worries guys. After that i pass my phone to angela, cuz Lim was damn naggy, but angela hang up with her. Again we seated down and chatt, play, relax. . Till mid night, x.ji was uncomfortable because his laptop was not around and he has to post his event things so we left angela and alen at the hotel, let them "Lang man" and cabbed back home. . Haahaa All thanks to Angela and Alen for the day, we really enjoyed damn classic and relaxing. My dear, don't think so much okay, we will always stay by your side no matter what happen!! Your dear Wen cai, Bee, X.ji and me, all of us will be standing inside the door of happiness watching over each other:)
"Psyche and Cupid have reincarnated to the earth, their fatal destiny entwines into the whirlpool of eternal love". Some ppl may feel tat love is everything in life but some feels that they have a mission in their life and have to choose to accomplish it. There's no right or wrong, its just a matter of priorities.
"Psyche and Cupid have reincarnated to the earth, their fatal destiny entwines into the whirlpool of eternal love". Some ppl may feel tat love is everything in life but some feels that they have a mission in their life and have to choose to accomplish it. There's no right or wrong, its just a matter of priorities.
Woke up in the evening, called angela, actually we wanted to go ktv today but, both wen cai and angela cant wake up so msg x.ji to cancel today's trip, lol all his fault, he told wencai hotel extend few hours dun need charge money, see they cant wake up le ba. Alright, its okay man, we can go other day:)
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