Wednesday, August 19, 2009 @ 4:14 AM
Woke up in the afternoon, called angela to wake up and prepare after that went down to prime and get some food first then went back home, damn shagg. 4plus bee and x.ji called saying they can come over to my place le, o gosh i still haven prepared anything yet so ask them to come over at 6. After i hang with with bee, i called angela, she was on her way coming over to my place then met her at my house downstairs. Went to NTUC to shop for ingredients and food, lol we brought lots of foods, cost us over 60dollars. Then went back home again and started to prepare the steam boat. We managed to prepare everything by 6 thanks to kife and angela hahas, they did more than i do. When x.ji and bee reached we watched xiao ding dang and la bi xiao xin while waiting for the soup to be ready then started to eat. LoL All of them damn lousy, stupid bee and chick when to ate chicken rice before they come, told them we are having steam boat le they still eat chicken rice. . Humm, 8plus we was damn full x.ji say save the food for 2nd round at 9 then all of us seated at the living room and watch mio tv again. Lol angela's wrx called while we were watching tv and agela had to leave with him, after she left, chicken and bee fall asleep as they were too tired cuz last night, chicken was sick and bee was at camp working for the whole day. Left me, no choice, so i continue watching lo.
Till mid 1plus bee hp rang, lol gals again. .He pass his phone to me and ask me to help him reply, and he continue his dream. After that x.ji suddenly woke up, he asked wad is the time now i say 1plus lo going 2 already, he say wah so late already i say ya lo u guys sleep like pig hahas. Then we wake bee up for our 2nd round steam boat (supper) eat till we going to vomit but still we cant finish the food so i throw away those left foods and keep only those crab meat, hot dogs and x,ji's meat ball hahas. Then went back to the living room, took out the beer we brought earlier switched on my com and see x.ji played taxer poker and drink. . cheers!!. Hahas damn funny we kept giving tissues to ppl cuz we kept winning in the first place, x.ji open his and my acc to play but when we changed table luck changed too kept losing till last 2 round den we won back up to 60k. After playing it was about 4 plus 5 in the morning, all of us were so tired, switched off com and visited our dream land. Around 6am, bee called his camp and waited for rushun to fetched him to polyclinic to get his mc at 8.30am while x.ji and me continue to sleep. Woke up at around 10plus, saw x.ji seating on the mattress finding movie to watch, he suddenly asked, ~clair, how to use the remote hahas, so funny lo, i saw him pressing here and there yet he still cant find the show he likes, then i asked him to watch dvd. Found saw5, he so swa gu!! dun neo "saw" already show until 5 series le. Then we checked youtube and all other web for saw4 as he only watched saw1,2 and 3 only. In the end we checked for 1hour plus but still cant find so no choice he had to watch saw5 without watching saw4. At first we were very serious about the show, guess the show was boring, both of us fall asleep again. Until bee came back and asked us to open the door for him and they were hungry for food again, so funny bee and x.ji played scissors paper stone and see who got to wash the plates and cook, bee won but x.ji cheated he say winner muz cook lol. Then we waited for bee to wash the plates tot he will really cook in the first place but he was too tired after washing all the plates becuz damn lots to wash, so x.ji said if not order pizza hut lo, then i called for pizza. After a while x.ji changed his mind again he want to eat kfc, than i call and cancelled pizza hut. X.ji asked bee to order the fish zincger for mi as i dun eat chicken or pork meat but bee was back with kfc chicken and dumpling noodles, x.ji scolded him for buying the dumpling noodles as bee said that the kfc nvr sell the fish zincger, lol its okay i dun like burger either. Then i went to wash up, x.ji keep calling and calling till i was behind him, he also didn't realize, laughss. . When we were eating, x.ji asked me, wad time u have to reach school today i say 2.30pm but i'm not attending school today cuz Wrx told me da jie juz fall asleep and he has planning for her today. Again he nagg and was scolded throughout the meal, i will study hard, i will promise as i said. After the meal, st james ppl msg x.ji and its work time again, helped him to check for the printing services rate all this then went back to sleep. Woke up at 4.30pm and x.ji and bee had to leave for meeting and event tonite, he asked me to follow them to the meeting but i was too tired to go then x.ji asked to me stay at home and pack up my house cuz my place was like shit. After they left and i packed up my house then i fall asleep again. LoL wad a pig, slept whole day long. .Should go back to school on friday. . Goe and ss. . jia you!!
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