Sunday, September 13, 2009 @ 3:10 AM
Specially ordered this for his 24 birthday:)
Early in the afternoon, went over to lot and woodlands to get the chick's stuffs. . Headed back home after that. Waited for him to call, only ate a few mouth of spegetti this afternoon just to wait for him to have our dinner tgt, end up he slept until 10plus. Wasn't feeling well for the past few days, stomach kept cramp, worst today. Pass him the stuffs and went back home, face the wall and cry, i guess my stomach are having problem. He asked me y i looked so shagg today, but i guess he wouldn't bother about me ba, so i choose not to say out, asked me to tag along with them but i wasn't in the mood. Hope he will enjoy himself. Sorry on ur special day, i still said all those nasty things to u, i really hope u can think abit more for urself. Dun juz give up ur work and ur health this way. U told me my dad can do it, u can oso do it de remember? We are all trying, trying to catch ur fall, but if u urself give up, there's nothing we can do. . God can you please give him a hand. .
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