Saturday, September 19, 2009 @ 10:51 PM
ANGELA'S latest album on sep25"09
Sick lo, slept until 5plus, saw chicky boy's msg. Meet him at my house downstairs awhile. After that he left for work then i went back home prepared meet up with Elsie at lot, brought dinner then headed to dajie house visited her. .Received Anton's msg, god so emo, almost tear out when i saw his msg.
Dear Anton: Remember in heart no matter wad we will always be there for u though this is the last year u are with kife in the same sch:) We can always meet up and ring up each other alright. I also don't know why, i still remember when kife first brought u to our place, the first sight i saw u i know u are a gd boy, and u gave me a very strong kind of feeling, and i'm very found of u, i can say among all u are the one i dote the most. I almost treated u as my real son, i always tells angela and elsie i like u alot. Dun worry, u are also the bestest to me remember whenever i'm down u are also the one standing beside, cheering me up, all this years you've filled my life with happiness and i guess i should be the one who must say thanks to u:) Thanks my lovely boy for being the best part of my life, do take good care, always keep ur handsome smile on ur face, i wish ur exams will pass with flying colours, anything muz remember to call me alright. .Mummy loves u forever!!!
The hearts of cgs
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