Sunday, August 30, 2009 @ 3:24 AM
Horrible day, Dajie got a big quarrel with w while i'm angry with x,ji. Their quarrel doesn't consist about us, ask nicely dun shout shout, i didn't blame u for not meeting us for dinner, i angry is becuz of the tickets.
Moody, when i was still confuse about the problem, was damn angry about him. Switched off my phone, decided to leave all the troubles and anger. Woke up at night, switched on my phone when my mood was better, saw x.ji msg and voice mail gosh. He called, was once scolded for swiching off my phone, he was looking for me for the whole day. Since he called, then i confront everything with him, cuz i was still confuse about it then i knew actually he didn't know anything about it, he's just simply waiting for us to fetch him at social house cuz he tot we were tgt, tats y he will msg alen and ask him where we are going. Though u've explained everything to me but i still don't know whether i should've believe in you. I really hope u r not lying to me as u said if u lie, i will sure knew it. Sorry i neo i was too much also. . Dajie decided to give w a chance and forgive him, then Alen, please do as u promised, don't lie to her again okay. I will forgive and forget everything. .Hope the same things won't happen again. 你总爱编剧谎言我负责配合表演,所有改变只为了进入你的世界。 这情结重复了一百边,才发现是你的心太野。你化点出和看见,我不能轻易犯规,所有事件都事先给了你优先劝。不知觉, 爱到不敢冒险,成了你的傀儡一年, 两年才看见我有多狼狈。爱到妥协,到头来还是无阶,绑着你不让你飞,历史不断重演,我好累。爱到妥协,也无法将故事在重写,你一下最后通牒,我躲在我的世界。你只是害怕一个人睡,我不想在为你掉泪,我了解不会变,不再徘回开始自己的明天。
Wednesday, August 26, 2009 @ 9:04 PM
Went to school early in the morning without any sleep, damn tired, after class, dajie was hungry for food so we went to jurong point have our meals and shop like auntie lol. Dad called, saying he meeting x.ji at my house downstairs, asked me to meet them tgt. Lol dad so funny, say x.ji lose him, cuz he more handsome than him when his young, hahas he's kidding man. . When x.ji reached, talk about the job things then straight away he brought x.ji over to blk 148 show him how they are going to deal the house everything, while i went back home and wait for their calls. Hey boi, jiayou jiayou okay, dun stress up urself, if my dad can do it u can do it also:) but if u thinks that this job is not suitable for u or the pay is too low, just let me know alright i can discuss with my dad about it. If not work hard and i know u can do it, after my o level if u continues working, bee, angela and me will also accompany u to walk this hard path. wait for us man. . :)
Tuesday, August 25, 2009 @ 7:57 PM
Waited for the two turtle to fetch me over csc to sing, lol thought they came from Malaysia. Stupid bee, got secret ar hide from me right hummm. .When they reached stupid chick tell me, is becuz bee saw one dog at his house downstairs then he see the dog very pity, wad a stupid excuse. headed to csc, waited for da jie and her boy to come then we start singing, at first was damn boring, x.ji said this will be the first and the last time he's not coming in the this place anymore cuz the system was damn and the room was... than hahas bee time's up so funny kept doing stupid actions make us laugh as da jie and her boy had some quarrel over some things. After singing went to car park while waiting for alen to start his car, x.ji and him, they kept talking about the wrx lol, everyday also say the same things, not boring ma. next time pls say somethings that we can understand o my god. Then all of them send me back home around 1plus, reached home, switched on my com, saw xiaoqiang, i'm scared faster run back to my room and sleep.
Today, early in the morning, prepared for sch waited for dad to come over and pass me my money, ended up kife took my key to sch, got trap gosh no choice but to stay at home. Everything wasn't smooth today, actually wanted to go to Tuft city and have our dinner tonight but, x.ji say every time let alen treat very ps asked me to call them and say change to other day then x.ji will do the treat, but i wasn't in the mood this morning, said some nasty words to x.ji, i'm sorry. Evening, woke up saw his msg, asked me to go meeting with them at bugis, but i don't want, yes i've switched off my phone earlier cuz i dun neo wad to say really, after that alen called saying he cant make it today le cuz he have to meet his boss, dun need to say sorry man, we are the ones who should have apologized to u and da jie. . .Next time let x.ji treat okay hahas. Then met x.ji @ my house downstairs pass him things and headed back home. Dad called ask me to ask x.ji to call him regarding work things, lol scareliy cat, don have to scare to call my dad, i've warned him to speak to u nicely, he said okay, he don't have tiger teeth, won't bite you hahas. Good luck meeting him tml:)
Monday, August 24, 2009 @ 4:07 AM
Just came back from movie with x.ji and bee lol watched where got ghost quite lame. . Actually wanted to watch opharn but last min the tix counted close le then headed to 302 for supper after that went to x.ji house downstairs chatted awhile then cabbed home. .
Saturday, August 22, 2009 @ 8:51 PM
Woke up in the afternoon, waited for bee and x.ji to call then prepared and went down to buy carry fish head and fish soup as x.ji was sick, he cant take carry and i've also brought harb tea for them. It was raining damn heavily, cabbed of to fetch bee at his place then headed to bugis and met up with x.ji. LoL stupid him, ask me to fetch meet him at wad sun plaza at bugis, the cab uncle said " Sun plaza?, sunplaza at sambawang la, bugis is Sunshine plaza!!" make me so ps hahas. When both of us reached sunshine plaza asked the guard for smoking area, the guard said, " Just smoke anywhere you want" haha then we just smoke anywhere there. Waited for x.ji to come and accompany him to get his tickets then we headed to bugis temple and prayed for their event. X.ji brought me to a place to seat as we brought lots of stuffs, so i waited for them and look after the stuffs outside the temple. When they are done, waited for angela to call and all of us headed to Ritz Calton Hotel. Such a nice place, 6star hotel with luxury suite:) when we reach there, walked around the place and have our meals there, the carry fish head was damn spicy all of us cant take it, bee wanted to give me some rice but i give it back to him cause i don't like rice then someone nag again, "See here u come again, don't want meat dun wan eat this dun wan eat that" i really dun like not i don't want. After our meal x.ji took some personal photos of bee hahas, his post was damn cute. Then we had some rest, relax and chatted in the hotel room, Alen and x.ji like good friend chatting about things which me and angela don't understand at all, their Wrx hahas so both of us guai guai seated beside and listen lo. After that bee went to the bath room and wah again, he wanted to bath but don't know to start from where cause damn lots of things in the bath room. After bee is x.ji's turn, lol he so funny, switched off all the lights in the bath room and poured a glass of green tea and bath. When x.ji is out, phone rang, work time again, alen pass him the room key and he went down to merina for meeting while me and bee stayed in the room to packed and stamp the tickets. Lol lots of tickets to stamp, both me and bee stamped till stomach pain. Both of us stamp wrong some of the tickets gosh, scared x.ji scold, just after, x.ji was back, so fast man. Then xiaoji checked all the tickets lucky nvr get scold, he only asked us to restamp it. -_-!! Everyone was soon hungry for food again, angela and alen went down to get long john and mac back, watched tv while eating. Lim called, asked me to take wad cooking course lol, gal i think i'm helpless, ppl will cook for me next time hahas, then talk about thomas, x.ji was behind heard us talking, and asked wad touch touch??, thomas is a good guy, if he want to touch me, long ago he will touch, wouldn't wait until now no worries guys. After that i pass my phone to angela, cuz Lim was damn naggy, but angela hang up with her. Again we seated down and chatt, play, relax. . Till mid night, x.ji was uncomfortable because his laptop was not around and he has to post his event things so we left angela and alen at the hotel, let them "Lang man" and cabbed back home. . Haahaa All thanks to Angela and Alen for the day, we really enjoyed damn classic and relaxing. My dear, don't think so much okay, we will always stay by your side no matter what happen!! Your dear Wen cai, Bee, X.ji and me, all of us will be standing inside the door of happiness watching over each other:)
"Psyche and Cupid have reincarnated to the earth, their fatal destiny entwines into the whirlpool of eternal love". Some ppl may feel tat love is everything in life but some feels that they have a mission in their life and have to choose to accomplish it. There's no right or wrong, its just a matter of priorities.
"Psyche and Cupid have reincarnated to the earth, their fatal destiny entwines into the whirlpool of eternal love". Some ppl may feel tat love is everything in life but some feels that they have a mission in their life and have to choose to accomplish it. There's no right or wrong, its just a matter of priorities.
Woke up in the evening, called angela, actually we wanted to go ktv today but, both wen cai and angela cant wake up so msg x.ji to cancel today's trip, lol all his fault, he told wencai hotel extend few hours dun need charge money, see they cant wake up le ba. Alright, its okay man, we can go other day:)
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 @ 4:14 AM
Woke up in the afternoon, called angela to wake up and prepare after that went down to prime and get some food first then went back home, damn shagg. 4plus bee and x.ji called saying they can come over to my place le, o gosh i still haven prepared anything yet so ask them to come over at 6. After i hang with with bee, i called angela, she was on her way coming over to my place then met her at my house downstairs. Went to NTUC to shop for ingredients and food, lol we brought lots of foods, cost us over 60dollars. Then went back home again and started to prepare the steam boat. We managed to prepare everything by 6 thanks to kife and angela hahas, they did more than i do. When x.ji and bee reached we watched xiao ding dang and la bi xiao xin while waiting for the soup to be ready then started to eat. LoL All of them damn lousy, stupid bee and chick when to ate chicken rice before they come, told them we are having steam boat le they still eat chicken rice. . Humm, 8plus we was damn full x.ji say save the food for 2nd round at 9 then all of us seated at the living room and watch mio tv again. Lol angela's wrx called while we were watching tv and agela had to leave with him, after she left, chicken and bee fall asleep as they were too tired cuz last night, chicken was sick and bee was at camp working for the whole day. Left me, no choice, so i continue watching lo.
Till mid 1plus bee hp rang, lol gals again. .He pass his phone to me and ask me to help him reply, and he continue his dream. After that x.ji suddenly woke up, he asked wad is the time now i say 1plus lo going 2 already, he say wah so late already i say ya lo u guys sleep like pig hahas. Then we wake bee up for our 2nd round steam boat (supper) eat till we going to vomit but still we cant finish the food so i throw away those left foods and keep only those crab meat, hot dogs and x,ji's meat ball hahas. Then went back to the living room, took out the beer we brought earlier switched on my com and see x.ji played taxer poker and drink. . cheers!!. Hahas damn funny we kept giving tissues to ppl cuz we kept winning in the first place, x.ji open his and my acc to play but when we changed table luck changed too kept losing till last 2 round den we won back up to 60k. After playing it was about 4 plus 5 in the morning, all of us were so tired, switched off com and visited our dream land. Around 6am, bee called his camp and waited for rushun to fetched him to polyclinic to get his mc at 8.30am while x.ji and me continue to sleep. Woke up at around 10plus, saw x.ji seating on the mattress finding movie to watch, he suddenly asked, ~clair, how to use the remote hahas, so funny lo, i saw him pressing here and there yet he still cant find the show he likes, then i asked him to watch dvd. Found saw5, he so swa gu!! dun neo "saw" already show until 5 series le. Then we checked youtube and all other web for saw4 as he only watched saw1,2 and 3 only. In the end we checked for 1hour plus but still cant find so no choice he had to watch saw5 without watching saw4. At first we were very serious about the show, guess the show was boring, both of us fall asleep again. Until bee came back and asked us to open the door for him and they were hungry for food again, so funny bee and x.ji played scissors paper stone and see who got to wash the plates and cook, bee won but x.ji cheated he say winner muz cook lol. Then we waited for bee to wash the plates tot he will really cook in the first place but he was too tired after washing all the plates becuz damn lots to wash, so x.ji said if not order pizza hut lo, then i called for pizza. After a while x.ji changed his mind again he want to eat kfc, than i call and cancelled pizza hut. X.ji asked bee to order the fish zincger for mi as i dun eat chicken or pork meat but bee was back with kfc chicken and dumpling noodles, x.ji scolded him for buying the dumpling noodles as bee said that the kfc nvr sell the fish zincger, lol its okay i dun like burger either. Then i went to wash up, x.ji keep calling and calling till i was behind him, he also didn't realize, laughss. . When we were eating, x.ji asked me, wad time u have to reach school today i say 2.30pm but i'm not attending school today cuz Wrx told me da jie juz fall asleep and he has planning for her today. Again he nagg and was scolded throughout the meal, i will study hard, i will promise as i said. After the meal, st james ppl msg x.ji and its work time again, helped him to check for the printing services rate all this then went back to sleep. Woke up at 4.30pm and x.ji and bee had to leave for meeting and event tonite, he asked me to follow them to the meeting but i was too tired to go then x.ji asked to me stay at home and pack up my house cuz my place was like shit. After they left and i packed up my house then i fall asleep again. LoL wad a pig, slept whole day long. .Should go back to school on friday. . Goe and ss. . jia you!!
Monday, August 17, 2009 @ 12:46 PM
Just came back home from school, woke up at 4~5am in the morning, stomach cramp, not feeling very well today. Morning call angela dajie and ask her to wake up for school around 7plus then prepare for school. Waited for wrx to fetch us to school, wow saw something super sweet as i walked towards wrx's car "Alan<3Angela"
Nice one baby!! Lol Wrx, treat my gal truely alright, give her some time, if u are true to her, everyone have eyes to see and she can feel u too. . Must jia you okay!!
And there's this thing i need to tell you. . MUST drive carefully pls, dun keep talking on phone when u drive its very dangerous, u almost bang into other cars today. Must also think for ur little passages when u drive am i rite? touch wood, I don't wish to see bad things happening to anyone of u. .see this its my random photo of an accident that happened to me n my friends few years back ago. So do be careful alright. .
This is the last time, that I'm ever gonna come here tonight.
This is the last time I will fall into a place that fails us all inside.
I can see the pain in you, I can see the love in you
but fighting all the demons will take time.
but fighting all the demons will take time.
It will take time, the angels they burn inside for us, are we ever, are we ever gonna learn to fly.
The devils they burn inside of us are we ever gonna come back down, come around.
I'm always gonna worry about the things that could make us cold, this is the last time that I'm ever gonna give in tonight.
I'm always gonna worry about the things that could make us cold, this is the last time that I'm ever gonna give in tonight.
Are there angels or devils crawling here?
I just want to know what blurs and what is clear to see, still I can see the pain in you
and I can see the love in you and fighting all the demons will take time, it will take time.
I'm always gonna worry about the things that could break us if I was to give in, give it up
I just want to know what blurs and what is clear to see, still I can see the pain in you
and I can see the love in you and fighting all the demons will take time, it will take time.
I'm always gonna worry about the things that could break us if I was to give in, give it up
and then take a breath and make it deep cause it might be the last one you get be the last one
that could make us cold.
that could make us cold.
You know that they could make us cold, I'm always gonna worry about the things that could make us cold.
@ 5:49 AM
15.08.09 Sat. .
Slept till 5plus in the evening, woke up by X.ji asked me to intro friends down to event @ Social house. LoL forward the msg to all my friends in my phone book, yet no one reply, only yong hui reply and kim shui called, saying, " Next time clubbing detail dun msg me le, i nvr go for club wan. Stupid boy!! not interested then just delete the msg next time rite dun call and pour cold water but its okay if you pour the event, dun pour me!! Hahaha kidding. .Jason called up next saying that he was darn boring staying at home for the whole day and asked if there's any ideal whether there's any place to go. I told him yes, event lo, Social house again hahas, tot he wasn't interested but he left with no choice but to go to the event cause there were no other place to go and even if wait till Bee(Jenson, organizer) and X.ji(Jemail, organizer) to be back for supper, he should have die or goes crazy because of the bored at home. So both of us change and prepared, Jason meet me at Ahshun's house downstairs and both of us waited for Chee keong to call as he's also following us down to the event. After Jason received his call we flagged the cabb, went down to fetched him and headed off to X.ji's event. When we reached there, Xiaoji and Bee still not yet reach, they were always slow lo. Then Jason called Edison(another event organizer of mind-f), wow, super shy , cause at their first event i was dead drunk like hell, hahas, when Edison came, he asked me not to get drunk again tonight at that place, not becuase of what but because there's no place for me to rest, where he can see is the river bank. Laughss, i wouldn't throw my face again for sure, once is enough. After chatting and smoking outside, Edison brought us all in, showed us to the room where they will be seating and asked Jason to bring me to the counter and get my LD, lol i then dun wan to snatch Ld with the gals, such a long queue there. Then the management there helped us looked for table and seats. Not long after we settled down X.ji, Bee and Edison came then Jason and Chee keong kept asking them to drink but X.ji cant drink as he has to drive so Bee drank on the behalf of X.ji lo haha then game started, we played dice, Clair, vs, Jason, vs Bee. . Lol Bee kept losing, he asked Edison to help him, but still lose hahas. Around 1plus, chee keong left, @ around 3am X.ji told me that they got other things to do so he got to leave with Bee and Edison, but we still got half a bottle left, no choice, Jason and me stays and continue drinking. End up both of us really was high, Jason treat the bouncer standing beside us to drink and I've also vomited for 2 times, slipped broke the glass of martell and cut my toe. Lol, every time attend their event i will also get drunk, why, why like this? But should better this time round. We managed to finish everything around 3.30am and headed home after that. . Coming up next, steam boat with Bee, X.ji, Angela and Kife . . yummy. . nightss. .
Got so work up in the earlier morning today, tot da jie cant wake up for school. I'm so sorry for that anger i had and i may have said nasty words to u, i'm so sorry da jie cuz i didn neo u wasn't feeling well again. Slept till this afternoon 4plus, skipped lesson as dajie was sicked. When i woke up, saw simon beside me, hahas out of sudden i thought of studying, so i asked simon to go back home and change then meet him at mac to study. We had our dinner once we reached mac and then start studying, todays sub--> English and Goe. Lol study for 1hour plus, xingxun came, i thought he was going to study with us but he only came here to see us study awhile. After xingxun left, 3 strangers came by, they said they wanted to buy 9burger to collect the mac hello kitty, he's thinking of buying the burger for both mi and simon. Lol, we are not tat greedy, we have money to buy our own. Then i asked Simon to pack up and we headed back home. Not long after we were back, x,ji called and asked me where am i all this and tat, after he hang up, phone rang again, he msg me, asked if i am hungry and come down in 15mins time to join them for supper. Lol they were late once again, waited them for almost 20mins, but 习惯就好, i'm used to it already haahaa, they were slow all the time. After i got in the car, we headed off to gombak for supper, godd that rented car was darn!!! gosh. .
Thursday!!! MATHS AGAIN!! hated maths lesson becuz the teacher sux. So again da jie and me didn't the lesson, was damn tired after the ton last night with simon and guys. Slept till 5plus 6 in the evening, bee and x.ji called asked if i'm hungry as they've juz rented a car and they are convenient to deliver dinner to my place, so sweet of them, yes man, damn hungry for food and so they packed up veg rice for me, thanks a million. When they reached my place, x.ji was busy with my turtle. Haha thanks for helping me clear my turtle water and made a nice kerp for them. After that we watched the unexpected access, wah the show was darn disgusting, we watch the ppl cutting liver all this and that. O my godd. .Around 9plus 10, x.ji phone rang, time to fetch his friend, then they left. . bye guys. .drive safety. .After they left, kife came back, he told me tonight Ben's tution was cancelled, i almost believe wad he said lol, until i saw ben's (our handsome teacher) was standing at our door, hahas. Then we waited for simon to go back and get his book then tution started, hahas though ben has got pimple on his face due to weather changes or something like that, but "Dun worry you still look good and handsome hahas, cheer up man, i've got a pimple on my face recently too". Tuition ended an hour later, and ben was tired after teaching the whole day, so he went back home right after the tuition C u next week ben, thanks of all the efforts u gave, U are the best teacher!! I will help u look after simon and guys if possible, should ask them to study hard too, no worries man. 13.08.09
Tuesday, August 11, 2009 @ 10:31 PM
Random photos
Finally eveything has settled down, i'm so gald of the decison u made:). Dun have to thanks mi gal. . this is wad i can only do. . Today,,
Mr x.ji jio jogging from ahbee house to his house !!-_- dotss. . lol i cant ran, everytime when acc my bro jog, i will be the only one left walking back home. OoO NO nO No!!! Somemore inconvient today, sorry. . Enjoy ur jog man. Next time ba:). .
My dear brother, you're single once again!! Jia hui and kife, both of u still got a long way to go, u guys will meet up with more other ppl out there. Its not the end of the world, life still got to continue alright!! Nothing to sad about it right, u guys will still remain as gd friends and buddy and might get to patch back in future, we wouldn't know. Jia YoU!! Hope the both of u will meet up with ur true love real soon. .
Happi national day!! Actually wanna catch a movie with x.j today but end up i sleep until nite time 9plus. Movie all finish le, mum called and asked me to watch incredible tales hahas. No choice lo, msn him to watch and i also stay at home watch as well. . Then Jason called and asked me to acc him for dinner, went down to teck whye fetched Ahbee, with, simon and xiao xiong. After dinner its next day morning 5 plus le, den went back home and sleep. .
National day EVE. . went down to ru qiang's shop put tattoo and ton night with angela and ah bee until morning. . so tried. .
Last two week, went to fab with Ahbee, Haigui, Elsie and Angela, lol got abit drunk and i've said lots of rubbish. Thanks guys for taking care of mi again . .then next two day received a msg saying "I think u cant drink, u become a cow when u get drunk" Yaya like cow, i neo wad i am doing i only vomit tat day i nvr do anything okay.
Finally eveything has settled down, i'm so gald of the decison u made:). Dun have to thanks mi gal. . this is wad i can only do. . Today,,
Mr x.ji jio jogging from ahbee house to his house !!-_- dotss. . lol i cant ran, everytime when acc my bro jog, i will be the only one left walking back home. OoO NO nO No!!! Somemore inconvient today, sorry. . Enjoy ur jog man. Next time ba:). .
My dear brother, you're single once again!! Jia hui and kife, both of u still got a long way to go, u guys will meet up with more other ppl out there. Its not the end of the world, life still got to continue alright!! Nothing to sad about it right, u guys will still remain as gd friends and buddy and might get to patch back in future, we wouldn't know. Jia YoU!! Hope the both of u will meet up with ur true love real soon. .
National day EVE. . went down to ru qiang's shop put tattoo and ton night with angela and ah bee until morning. . so tried. .
Went down to jason's grandmom funeral with ah bee. Guys dun think so much okay. . this is life, everyone has to go to nether world somday. .cheer up okay. Then after that went to x.j house for dinner with bee, brought chicken rice and ice cream. So funny both of them quarrel becuz of wad to wear, like small children like tat o my godd, cute man then they ask mi to follow them down the event but i refused, not i dun wan to go down, is becuz i don neo ur friends and i dun wanna drink alot and get drunk again, very throw face hahas. After that they send me back home and they headed off to the event.
Happi advance birthday to Thomas!!!. .LoL went to the dun neo pub at china town there, meet ah shun, thomas, andrew, ah ya, chang chang and lots of ppl celebrating thomas advance birthday becuz he's going overseas soon. Long lost contact friends, so gald to see them everyone become more and more kid already hahas, kid??? o gosh, then phone rang, someone kept questioning this and tat and still send mi stuipd msg. Mood sway. .After that, me and angela decided to head off look for wrx den to fab to get her pay then went back home and sleep. . good luck and all the best to thomas. .Last two week, went to fab with Ahbee, Haigui, Elsie and Angela, lol got abit drunk and i've said lots of rubbish. Thanks guys for taking care of mi again . .then next two day received a msg saying "I think u cant drink, u become a cow when u get drunk" Yaya like cow, i neo wad i am doing i only vomit tat day i nvr do anything okay.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009 @ 11:21 PM
Went down to kk hospital today, acc cheryl and her mum, saw ah gan kor and my elieen da siao, so sweet of them, they went to visit their baby, i wish ur baby will stay very very healthy, muz jia you okay!!! should visit ur baby Chloe soon. . lovess
Really lots of things happened this few days and all of us wasn't prepare for it. All thats happen really makes me scare of relationships and the guys out there, its so scary!! I guess at this moment i wouldn't think of getting married, giving birth or even getting into a relationship. Dear gals, if i were u i wouldn't think of giving up the baby cuz if i'm the mummy i muz hold the responsible to rise the child. I'm born with a single parents, my mum didn't give up on mi so i wouldn't give up my own child though i neo life would be very hard. But i can understand in ur position now, u left with no choice. No matter wad decision u made i will still support u till the end, i can feel how miserable u are. If u choose to give birth the baby, no matter how hard i will still give my best to help u. Cuz u are my dearest sister. .hope u can think everything carefully i dun wanna see u regret in future. .
love clair
Its the ones you loved the most who can lift in an instant, and destroy you without trying. .
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