Monday, August 17, 2009 @ 5:49 AM
15.08.09 Sat. .
Slept till 5plus in the evening, woke up by X.ji asked me to intro friends down to event @ Social house. LoL forward the msg to all my friends in my phone book, yet no one reply, only yong hui reply and kim shui called, saying, " Next time clubbing detail dun msg me le, i nvr go for club wan. Stupid boy!! not interested then just delete the msg next time rite dun call and pour cold water but its okay if you pour the event, dun pour me!! Hahaha kidding. .Jason called up next saying that he was darn boring staying at home for the whole day and asked if there's any ideal whether there's any place to go. I told him yes, event lo, Social house again hahas, tot he wasn't interested but he left with no choice but to go to the event cause there were no other place to go and even if wait till Bee(Jenson, organizer) and X.ji(Jemail, organizer) to be back for supper, he should have die or goes crazy because of the bored at home. So both of us change and prepared, Jason meet me at Ahshun's house downstairs and both of us waited for Chee keong to call as he's also following us down to the event. After Jason received his call we flagged the cabb, went down to fetched him and headed off to X.ji's event. When we reached there, Xiaoji and Bee still not yet reach, they were always slow lo. Then Jason called Edison(another event organizer of mind-f), wow, super shy , cause at their first event i was dead drunk like hell, hahas, when Edison came, he asked me not to get drunk again tonight at that place, not becuase of what but because there's no place for me to rest, where he can see is the river bank. Laughss, i wouldn't throw my face again for sure, once is enough. After chatting and smoking outside, Edison brought us all in, showed us to the room where they will be seating and asked Jason to bring me to the counter and get my LD, lol i then dun wan to snatch Ld with the gals, such a long queue there. Then the management there helped us looked for table and seats. Not long after we settled down X.ji, Bee and Edison came then Jason and Chee keong kept asking them to drink but X.ji cant drink as he has to drive so Bee drank on the behalf of X.ji lo haha then game started, we played dice, Clair, vs, Jason, vs Bee. . Lol Bee kept losing, he asked Edison to help him, but still lose hahas. Around 1plus, chee keong left, @ around 3am X.ji told me that they got other things to do so he got to leave with Bee and Edison, but we still got half a bottle left, no choice, Jason and me stays and continue drinking. End up both of us really was high, Jason treat the bouncer standing beside us to drink and I've also vomited for 2 times, slipped broke the glass of martell and cut my toe. Lol, every time attend their event i will also get drunk, why, why like this? But should better this time round. We managed to finish everything around 3.30am and headed home after that. . Coming up next, steam boat with Bee, X.ji, Angela and Kife . . yummy. . nightss. .
Got so work up in the earlier morning today, tot da jie cant wake up for school. I'm so sorry for that anger i had and i may have said nasty words to u, i'm so sorry da jie cuz i didn neo u wasn't feeling well again. Slept till this afternoon 4plus, skipped lesson as dajie was sicked. When i woke up, saw simon beside me, hahas out of sudden i thought of studying, so i asked simon to go back home and change then meet him at mac to study. We had our dinner once we reached mac and then start studying, todays sub--> English and Goe. Lol study for 1hour plus, xingxun came, i thought he was going to study with us but he only came here to see us study awhile. After xingxun left, 3 strangers came by, they said they wanted to buy 9burger to collect the mac hello kitty, he's thinking of buying the burger for both mi and simon. Lol, we are not tat greedy, we have money to buy our own. Then i asked Simon to pack up and we headed back home. Not long after we were back, x,ji called and asked me where am i all this and tat, after he hang up, phone rang again, he msg me, asked if i am hungry and come down in 15mins time to join them for supper. Lol they were late once again, waited them for almost 20mins, but 习惯就好, i'm used to it already haahaa, they were slow all the time. After i got in the car, we headed off to gombak for supper, godd that rented car was darn!!! gosh. .
Thursday!!! MATHS AGAIN!! hated maths lesson becuz the teacher sux. So again da jie and me didn't the lesson, was damn tired after the ton last night with simon and guys. Slept till 5plus 6 in the evening, bee and x.ji called asked if i'm hungry as they've juz rented a car and they are convenient to deliver dinner to my place, so sweet of them, yes man, damn hungry for food and so they packed up veg rice for me, thanks a million. When they reached my place, x.ji was busy with my turtle. Haha thanks for helping me clear my turtle water and made a nice kerp for them. After that we watched the unexpected access, wah the show was darn disgusting, we watch the ppl cutting liver all this and that. O my godd. .Around 9plus 10, x.ji phone rang, time to fetch his friend, then they left. . bye guys. .drive safety. .After they left, kife came back, he told me tonight Ben's tution was cancelled, i almost believe wad he said lol, until i saw ben's (our handsome teacher) was standing at our door, hahas. Then we waited for simon to go back and get his book then tution started, hahas though ben has got pimple on his face due to weather changes or something like that, but "Dun worry you still look good and handsome hahas, cheer up man, i've got a pimple on my face recently too". Tuition ended an hour later, and ben was tired after teaching the whole day, so he went back home right after the tuition C u next week ben, thanks of all the efforts u gave, U are the best teacher!! I will help u look after simon and guys if possible, should ask them to study hard too, no worries man. 13.08.09
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