Wednesday, August 5, 2009 @ 11:21 PM
Went down to kk hospital today, acc cheryl and her mum, saw ah gan kor and my elieen da siao, so sweet of them, they went to visit their baby, i wish ur baby will stay very very healthy, muz jia you okay!!! should visit ur baby Chloe soon. . lovess
Really lots of things happened this few days and all of us wasn't prepare for it. All thats happen really makes me scare of relationships and the guys out there, its so scary!! I guess at this moment i wouldn't think of getting married, giving birth or even getting into a relationship. Dear gals, if i were u i wouldn't think of giving up the baby cuz if i'm the mummy i muz hold the responsible to rise the child. I'm born with a single parents, my mum didn't give up on mi so i wouldn't give up my own child though i neo life would be very hard. But i can understand in ur position now, u left with no choice. No matter wad decision u made i will still support u till the end, i can feel how miserable u are. If u choose to give birth the baby, no matter how hard i will still give my best to help u. Cuz u are my dearest sister. .hope u can think everything carefully i dun wanna see u regret in future. .
love clair
Its the ones you loved the most who can lift in an instant, and destroy you without trying. .
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