Tuesday, June 23, 2009 @ 9:29 PM

3rd day u wasn't around in Singapore hope tat everything will goes on smoothly for u. Thanks for all the things u've said to me. Yes everything u said is right, i neo i'm so sorry. U're rite i'm not sick at all i dun need a doctor, den do as wad i've promised. Yes my actions has proven wads happening all this while, i've to stand up strong and start planning wad to do next, how to find a gd job after studies and not doing all this shit like wad i'm doing now. No use i don need a doctor and i'm lying myself waste money on doctor..bullshit it's time for mi to wake up..i'm not the only one who is suffering and i'm not suffering alone. Thanks for waking mi up, ur words and acts do proved tat i'm wrong. I'm really awake now, come back soon alright i don't need u to return the things u owe i juz need u to be safe and sound now. I will do as u say, as for him i'll wait till his out and settle sort out everything together. You are correct again, this is not the way i treat my loves ones, i won make u and all worry le. And i'm not lying this time, i will leave everything aside and start planning everything from now onwards. I muz really grow to learn to achieve. I've ask my dad and i will soon be helping him on his work while studying and stop all tats shits. .
Else one:
Be back soon, promised i will listen to you, missed. .
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