Monday, November 30, 2009 @ 2:40 AM
Had a big quarrel with him again yst night. . damn it. .BLACK MOOD!! Go ahead and find other "gals", so good then ask them, do everything you wanted and follow the way u led!! Pissed of me. . Whatever, dun call and scold if ever u know i go out with other guys or go club with my friends, i won't hesitate to even make up lies to you. . HATED!!
Didn't sleep for the whole night, quarrel and argued till 6plus!, 7plus 8 in the morning then fell asleep. Woke up 4~5 plus in the noon, meet Kimshui and Bryan at my house downstairs for our **breakfast, went back home bath, prepared and headed off to lot one meet Elsie for dinner. After that meet the guys at jurong point again for movies "Ninja Assassin (2009)" Nice Show!! Went to boon lay for our supper. . god getting more and more fatter, gonna on diet. . guys please dun always ask me eat eat eat, dun noe how many kg i've put on this few days. . aaarrggghhh.
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