Tuesday, November 3, 2009 @ 2:05 PM
Did nothing at home today. . Waited for chicky boy knock off from work actually he wanted to bring me go out eat but im lazy so he say he will pack food back for me lo, waited and waited till im dying, thought he will buy wad good food back ended up call and say he's packing from my house downstairs. Tao Yan Ghost!!! Eat my house downstairs food i must well eat maggi noodles at home hummhp. . When waiting for him to come up, i played com and browsed some pic's of ah bee in my com wahahahas, damn funny, just then boy came back and i told him about the photos, lol i thought he will give me surprising react, end up he said " i've already saw it when elsie first posted on fb that nite" Chicken egg, but he still laugh hahahas. After that we browse in youtube, search for some magic shows and i showed him the "David copperfield bermuda triangle" show. . He was damn naggy lo, kept giving comments all this and that argghhh. Both of us drink and talk about some work things and he fall asleep, just then, Elsie and match called so we chat lo and i saw......XIAO QIANG... ahhhhhh scared me i ran into the room and i told elsie ab it. Guess wad, when i said "xiaoqiang" boy jump up and stare at me hahas, he's scare too plus more scared than me. He keep asking me to kill it but i dun dare so we just leave it until morning bro woke up and settle it. Wad a scary night we had.
Did nothing at home today. . Waited for chicky boy knock off from work actually he wanted to bring me go out eat but im lazy so he say he will pack food back for me lo, waited and waited till im dying, thought he will buy wad good food back ended up call and say he's packing from my house downstairs. Tao Yan Ghost!!! Eat my house downstairs food i must well eat maggi noodles at home hummhp. . When waiting for him to come up, i played com and browsed some pic's of ah bee in my com wahahahas, damn funny, just then boy came back and i told him about the photos, lol i thought he will give me surprising react, end up he said " i've already saw it when elsie first posted on fb that nite" Chicken egg, but he still laugh hahahas. After that we browse in youtube, search for some magic shows and i showed him the "David copperfield bermuda triangle" show. . He was damn naggy lo, kept giving comments all this and that argghhh. Both of us drink and talk about some work things and he fall asleep, just then, Elsie and match called so we chat lo and i saw......XIAO QIANG... ahhhhhh scared me i ran into the room and i told elsie ab it. Guess wad, when i said "xiaoqiang" boy jump up and stare at me hahas, he's scare too plus more scared than me. He keep asking me to kill it but i dun dare so we just leave it until morning bro woke up and settle it. Wad a scary night we had.
Help bee straighten his hair @ his house... Elsie is a real demon wahaha
Next day. . .Boy's phone kept ringing, woke up around 2plus 3 in the afternoon. He did a super lame thing, he's just beside and he can msg me ask me help him post those listing-.- still say my phone very noisy ask my phone to "SHUUU!!". ArGGHH, when i saw the listing, i was like blurr. . i faster tell boy, no im going out please i don't wanna post. . Then he laugh and nag nag nag, no choice lo post for him while boy was busying talking with his customers then he went back home to change. Not long after he went back, my phone rang, boy quit his job, guess there's some problems in it. But its okay, dun worry i know working with my dad is hard thats why i didn't help him in the first place when he asked me. My dear boy, u dun have to feel any sorry about it, i can understand, its just like everything returns back, we can work hard and find other jobs thus u still got a grand project and we can still survive right, no matter whose in the right or wrong i will still always stand beside you and support u till the end of time. Headed to bee's place for steamboat at night, asked boy to come along but he wasn't in the mood. Kife intro us a job and i told boy ab it but he said "No way baby!!" alright then we can always find other better jobs. . Went back home after eating and boy msg me saying he's walking in the rain. haiss stress. . please stand up and be awake don't make urself fall sick again can? i'm worrying you know? Hope everything will soon be smoother and fine. God please give us a hand and help us through all the thick and thin, we needed u around . .
我喜欢就这样靠在你胸膛, 我喜欢没有时间没有方向.
我喜欢像这样爱的好自然. 不用管别人投什么眼光, 随你带着我四处的游荡.
我喜欢一醒来有你在身旁, 我喜欢赖在床上看你喝汤.
我喜欢你的手放在我肩, 像是担心我会消失一样,为我每一寸消瘦而感伤.
好想就这样, 有你在身旁, 一直到天长. . .
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