Wednesday, November 11, 2009 @ 12:00 AM
Last long with your dearest Ahwei:) and may ur exams pass with flying colours. .
Here's a small birthday gift. .
Procedure that u haven seen, hard work from Wei just for you. . . Enjoy watching. . lovess. .
Lol, slept for the whole day, woke up by kife and wei. . Yes, its Amanda's birthday, happi birthday girl:) Wei came up my house and make this chocolate fondue for amanda, he came up to steal skill from us. hahahas. While making boy msg me saying he's stress for work hais, i told him not to stress, i should make him a chocolate fondue, he actually said he dun want, hummp becuz he said i treat him like pig again. wahahahahas no la not pig lo, i'm sharing my happiness to u my dear hahahas. . I asked him why he didn't asked me to post listing for the past 2days, he said he scared i'm tired so he ownself posted 7 web, poor boy, its okay, just send me and i will post okay:). . I should cut down smoking. . stomach having problem again and again . . Alright thats all for the day. .
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