Thursday, November 19, 2009 @ 10:37 PM
我没有很努力要自己去遗忘 ,那些和日记一起收藏的过往, 孤单在思绪之中变得很漫长.
想, 我没有很刻意让自己不去想, 那些和照片一起静止的模样.
我学着坚强, 坚强到不用学着不想, 学着遗忘.
不能放纵爱你, 就放过自己. . .

Woke up early in the morn today, online msn and uploaded some wedding photos and video. Waited for elsie and kris to called then headed to town help chicky boy buy his top up card, but didn't sell so went over to cine and sign fred perry membership for my brother. Then walk over to hong kong cafe and have our dinner, saw ah gan and guys. . I thought i can give a smile to him but i failed . . Always wondering, how would i feel if i get to see you after our separation. . There's nothing for us to feel shy or sorry when we saw each other, although we had a failed relationship but there's no hurts even hates anymore, am i right? Without you, i might felt lonely when night reaches, no one to talk to, no one to accompany me for dinner, no one beside when i'm watching tv even when i sleep. But i've already use to it. .
Attend Cui and X.xiong's wedding yesterday:). . have funs. . damn touching omg almost tear out when the morning photos was out at her wedding dinner. . All the best to you our dearest girl, with loves. .

At Cui's place, preparing ;p. .
At Xiao xiong's place. .

Chinese garden photo shooting..
Wedding dinner @ York Hotel..

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