Monday, November 9, 2009 @ 1:06 AM
Had a little quarrel with boy last night as he asked me to wait for him to pack food back, but end up he went back home cuz his hp low batt. But still sorry that i've said those sarcastic words to u, and asked u to have ur dinner with ur lady boss. Woke up early in the morn today, stomachache again. Switched on my hp, saw boy's msg, saying that he's sorry about yst because his brother took his charger to his gal friend's house and his hp is died and he also swear that he didn't went out last night. . hmmmm, alright i should buy ur words this time:) Waited for mum to come, dye hair and mum gave me and bro all the money that she earn from bro's friend, thanks mummy, what a great mum i have. . alright tats all for the day. . bye. . 还是害怕夜深人静时总想起你, 还是害怕的不经意听见你的消息,
当拥有已经是失去, 就勇敢的放弃.
还是害怕一个人时就很难忘记, 还是害怕突然宁愿当初没有决定,
然而当爱最后的出口是分离. 我会这么相信, 走下去. .
Its a boring day again, wondering what he's doing right now. . Stupid idiot went to geylang yst argghhh, meetings? viewing? or???. . Hais, woke up in the early morn, eat some pills and then stomach-ache. . I almost died inside the toilet. . Waited for his msg the whole afternoon yet he didn't even send one, till i fall asleep, phone rang around evening and he finally appeared. . Replied him half an hour late and there he goes again, asking why i replied so late, i just cant understand, u can gone missing as u like and appeared as u wish, why cant i reply u just half an hour late? Anything anything la, just do what u want, ask what u like and i will be listening to it. Gonna find myself a job and settle down soon. . Good luck to me, to him and to us:) Here i hope someday, somehow, the angels will see my smiles. .
Found this sweetie familar? He's name is "EnYang" Did u guys catch up with the show "Baby bonus"? Yes, it's him "Olympic", he's my bro friend's nephew, he's damn cute!!!! I wish i can kidnap him! AHAHAHAHA..
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