Saturday, June 6, 2009 @ 7:17 PM

蔡依林 Jolin Tsai - 妥协 Compromise
Bro brought this album when it first published in singapore. .Nice album, nice songs. . :)This week holiday, no dun look like a holiday at all, lots of things to do. All 3of us hahas is in the finalist of koven superstar. Yes muz jia you liao over 80 participants not 13 only. Confirmations of songs, zu wo sheng re kuai le, pu tong peng you lastly i will sing tuo xie(compromise)JIA YOU tgt bas. . coming up next will be Ladies priority night, 9june!! Guess it will be a interesting and enjoyable night. . GALS OUT THERE DON'T MISS THE PARTY ALRGHT!!!
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