Thursday, April 29, 2010 @ 1:04 PM
Received a call from my mum while i'm on my way back from baby's place yst morning.. Its a bad news, my aunt passed away because of kidney failure..Actually before her death, all of our family members already knew that there wasn't much time left for her because my aunt doesn't listen to what her doctor says and made her own health got worsted. No one understand why she wanted to suffered herself this way, though how we talk or counsel her she also wouldn't listen.. Sad to say she has 1 son and 1 daughter of her own but what they did was to leave her alone with those strangers in a rented flat, actually my aunt's daughter dote her alot but she don't have enough time for her, due to her work and she's staying with her bf at her bf house.. The most idiot one was my aunt's son, my aunt brought him a 6room flat, and after he married he and his wife throw his mum out of the house, even threaten his own blood mother to put her CPF name under him or else he wouldn't pay for his medical fees and allowance.. My aunt dotes her son a lot and only listens to her son, and what her son only said to her was "Why u still don't wanna die, put everyone in trouble and burden us". After her death, i was surprised that her son wanted my aunt to follow him as a christen and also wanted her funeral to be at his place.. All i'm trying to say was, ppl out there, do treasure those around you when u still have the time to do so, don't keep care and concern by yourself, don't make any regrets to yourself and to those around you.. I guess my aunt could rest in peace by then, at least at last her son did something for her and she no longer suffers from her illness, medi, and injects, here i hope she will be free from her deeds and sins and with no more sadness in her, rest in peace..
And to my dear ladies, sorry for the missed attend due to some problem last 2nights.. should meet up again soon on my birthday.. with love..
Tuesday, April 27, 2010 @ 6:42 PM
Sunday, April 25, 2010 @ 4:51 PM
Woke up early in the morn, prepared my stuffs and headed to home team for Rom Hair styling and make up.. Out come was good and thanks for baby's asst and help up on the bridal's hair:)
Hair~ Tong curl, ziza straighten, hair bun and styling
Eye bow~ Light brown
Eyes~ Rose gold, light pink, light grey and abit of brown..
Liner~ Black on the upper eye lid and White on the lower eye lid..
Cheeks~ Abit of Brown on the upper side of the cheeks and glitter pink on the center..
Lip~ Darker pink lip liner with glitter pink gloss..
Eye lashes~ Fake lashes..
All thanks to Eileen and the bride's support..
Saturday, April 24, 2010 @ 4:34 PM
Went to V3 with baby, andy, kah hung, bryan, min siong and xiong ye...
More photos will be uploaded..
Thursday, April 22, 2010 @ 5:51 PM
Tuesday, April 20, 2010 @ 11:50 AM
Yes we are damn fine now again.. Had a big feast with baby, Andy and Bryan few days ago... But we didn't take much photos due to lots of ppl in there.. After our meals, all of us went for movie "Kick ass" lol.. super lame show but quite funny la..hoohoo stupid hero.. ;)
Woke up early in the morn, waited for my aunt, she drove us to Nyp for bro's laptop.. Mummy and i cabbed back home ourselves while bro had to attend his class and aunt when for work.. Reached home around 1plus, baby brought swensen ice cream cake back and surprised mum. Bro came back home around 3plus, and we ordered pizza to celebrate my mum's advance birthday.. Though its just a small celebration but i can see my mum was damn happy and surprised:)..
Happy birthday dearest mummy!!
Sunday, April 18, 2010 @ 3:42 AM
Quarrel big with dear in the middle of the night.. All these shits just couldn't leave my life, im facing damn lots of damn problems now in my life and he said he knew it though i didn't speak out but he really knows? Hope things would get better when he returns..
I will not make the same mistakes that you did and i will not let myself cause my heart so much misery. I will not break the way you did, you fell so hard and i've learned the hard way to never let it get that far. I lose my way and its not too long before you point it out. I cannot cry because i know that's weakness in your eyes. I'm force to fake, a smile, a laugh, everyday of my life. My heart cant possibly break when it wasn't even whole to start with. Because of you i try my hardest just to forget everything and i don't know how to let any one else in. I'm ashamed of my life because it's so empty..
Friday, April 16, 2010 @ 10:01 AM
Been free this few days due to poor business, nothing to do at home so baby accompany me for medi & pedi session at west mall 5th floor.. First try at there, ermm not bad lo, service still good.. Nothing much to today..
Random songs that i anyhow sang while im alone at home.. boring, boring , boring!!..
Thursday, April 15, 2010 @ 6:20 PM
Went to csc for xiong ye's birthday celebration..Happi birthday Mr Xiong ye:)
See all the funny photos they took.. omg!!
This is the funniest "SHE" + "HIM"
Sunday, April 11, 2010 @ 4:35 AM
Saw my little brother's blog yst night when i was at baby's place.. I got so emoted after i read what he wrote in his blog.. This person actually commented some nasty words to my bro and hurt my bro's feeling.. And so i massaged to my bro and consoled him.. Baby got fab up with this guy who commented my bro and so both bryan and baby msg to scold this guy on fb.. Just then, my bro came out from his room and he told us, actually this person was a disable, he caught up in an accident 2years ago and now he couldn't talk nor move around like normal ppl does and my bro asked us not to scold that person anymore.. I'm actually a very soft hearted person, but i was thinking since he's a disable, he should know how to think in a more mature way than all others do but why he did so much just to hurt a small boy's feeling.. I asked baby not to find fault with him anymore is not because i pity him or whatever, its because i feel even how much we talk to this person, he also cant get what we are trying to say.. I don't want to be mean to him, i can forgive and forget every single things in my life but pls don't do anything to even hurt my family.. And i don't need anyone to give comments to my bro or anyone else around me when u don't even know them.. Every single word in my bro blog about u, i feel sadness from him but he actually told us to forget about finding faults in u when he knew something about u.. I might feel that bit of guiltiness after i let my anger rest, but what about u? Pls make a thought of other ppls feelings before u say words to hurt them.. I watched my bro grown up and i know him the best, i've to clear his name, he's not someone u thought he was!! He just don't know how to show his real character out but he's improving everyday trying to be the real him..Don't ever judge him by ur own sight, he takes care of everyone around him and he's only 16years old, can u do that as well?? I'm always beside him proving his growth and he's really a nice young man!! I really hope ppl like u won't say any nasty things to him again, everyone gets their own retribution some how some day, don't ever spoil others name or hurt other ppl in any case.. Lastly, my dearest bro, u are the best of all, don't lose confident in yourself just because of those who don't even know u.. Its okay if u don't have fatherly love, u still got mummy, my baby, ur gd friends and me.. I just wanna tell u we will always there for u no matter what.. with love..
Saturday, April 10, 2010 @ 3:39 AM
I'm back to blog again:).. Firstly.. dear resigned from his work and he's gonna look for another saloon job..Gd luck my dear..
Went for movies and lots of places these few days as baby was free.. "Future x cops" and "Date night" thumbs up.. Nice show man..
Past few days baby brought me a pair of Havanes slipper.. This is the latest design all in black with gold wording on it..
Hoohoo.. 1 more month towards 21st.. And i''ve made my last decision where and how am i going to celebrate my birthday.. So Baby and i met up with Andy at my place and headed off to Jurong chevrons club for chalet booking.. Its an advance birthday celebration at
Venue: The Chevrons Club "Jurong"
Date: 11th may ~ 13th May
There will be BBQ on the 11th and Buffet on the 12th.. Dudes and Babes, i should sent my invitation out on the beginning of may and "dear all pls make some changes on ur schedule as i know there's lots of Taurus in us, thanks".. Actually, baby and i wanted to book a hotel at Sentosa, its a nice place with a private jacuzzi in our own room, the only problem was because they only allow 4 person at most in there and it cost nearly thousand for just 2 days.. And sentosa was damn far away from where my friends and family stays, so for the convenient of them i guess we've made the right choice at jurong chevrons.. hummm got to say bye to sentosa hotel for the moment, but baby said maybe after my birthday just the both of us we can go there and relax ourselves..Sentosa wait for meeeee!!! ;)
After the booking all of us went over to jurong point.. and again baby brought me something.. Burberry watch:).. He said it was for my advance birthday present, but too advance isn't it?? hahas.. thanks dear i really like that watch.. loves..
Back to baby's place after that..
Lastly i've created new hair bunning for my bridal.. coming up on my next job is on 25th April Rom make up at Home team.. Stay tune for more Rom make ups and hair bun photos..
Back view of the dummy head..
Side view of the dummy head..
Monday, April 5, 2010 @ 3:21 PM
The journey of our story.
@ 3:18 PM
Finally storms over..
Went to Imm with mum, baby and bro.. After our lunch baby, bro and i went over to csc..
We sang lots of songs, the sound system of our room wasn't good at all.. We sang so hard lol.. i've recorded some of the songs we sang..haha sounds funny..
同手同脚 First time singing this song with my bro..
画沙 Dear and me don't know how to sing and we just blah blah blah sang over..
妥协 This song was sang in another room of that ktv few months ago.. Much more better...
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