Thursday, April 29, 2010 @ 1:04 PM
Received a call from my mum while i'm on my way back from baby's place yst morning.. Its a bad news, my aunt passed away because of kidney failure..Actually before her death, all of our family members already knew that there wasn't much time left for her because my aunt doesn't listen to what her doctor says and made her own health got worsted. No one understand why she wanted to suffered herself this way, though how we talk or counsel her she also wouldn't listen.. Sad to say she has 1 son and 1 daughter of her own but what they did was to leave her alone with those strangers in a rented flat, actually my aunt's daughter dote her alot but she don't have enough time for her, due to her work and she's staying with her bf at her bf house.. The most idiot one was my aunt's son, my aunt brought him a 6room flat, and after he married he and his wife throw his mum out of the house, even threaten his own blood mother to put her CPF name under him or else he wouldn't pay for his medical fees and allowance.. My aunt dotes her son a lot and only listens to her son, and what her son only said to her was "Why u still don't wanna die, put everyone in trouble and burden us". After her death, i was surprised that her son wanted my aunt to follow him as a christen and also wanted her funeral to be at his place.. All i'm trying to say was, ppl out there, do treasure those around you when u still have the time to do so, don't keep care and concern by yourself, don't make any regrets to yourself and to those around you.. I guess my aunt could rest in peace by then, at least at last her son did something for her and she no longer suffers from her illness, medi, and injects, here i hope she will be free from her deeds and sins and with no more sadness in her, rest in peace..
And to my dear ladies, sorry for the missed attend due to some problem last 2nights.. should meet up again soon on my birthday.. with love..
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