Wednesday, January 13, 2010 @ 3:33 PM

Finally the event has ended, felt much relief after so many tired days, and of cause i must here by thanks my dear for the accompanies, the understanding, even waited for me till my rehearsal ends and the bag u brought for me:) I really appreciate the everything little things that you gave to me, i did not give u any surprising react when u brought me the bag is not because i don't like it, its because i was really very tired and not feeling very well this few days, i'm sorry hope i didn't up sad you. I really really like the bag you brought especially that little note you wrote all by yourself, though its just a short note with just a few phrase but it meant alot to me. Its not that expansive bag and that few words which touches me, its the little little efforts you put in just to make everything a surprise for me that moves me and let me feels through your feelings about us in the deepest point of your heart. Thanks dear ..

Dear made this for me, which i taught him 5 years ago:)

Much loves..
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