Saturday, December 26, 2009 @ 11:59 PM
Baby MC again today, went to jurong point for movie with Andy and my dear, lol, baby so funny. . he forgot to shave his leg, and spotted by me wahahahass. .
After movie, all 3 of us headed to Ajisen for our dinner, baby ordered the most spiciest ramen. He sweated throughout the whole meal.. omg
Headed back home for bryan after that. . Both dear and me helped each other do mask hahas, we looked damn funny, Bryan said "没有人半夜三更一起做 mask 吓人的 lo". .
Watched movie while waiting for the mask to dry. . :)Suddenly, dear pulled me to his lip and he whispered:
"我们要在一起很久" i smile back to him and asked him:
"要在一起多久?" and he replied:
This should be a promise to the both of us, i really hope non of us will ever break this promise. Dear, i'm really sorry for asking you to acc me to ajinsen, ate that crazy spicy ramen and made u stomach ache for the whole night, my heart aches when i saw u like this, just like how u feel when im in the pain. So i guess we shouldn't eat that spicy next time round alright. And thanks for letting me feel all the love and happiness, lastly you're right we should save money from now onwards, for our holiday trip and marriage:).. I love you more than live.
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