Monday, July 5, 2010 @ 10:39 PM
Its our 7th month till today, I'm really glad to have you by my side throughout these months. 7months may seem short but we've really been through lots and lots in between.. I enjoyed every single happy or sad moments with you, even the hardest time seem easier just because i had you by me. I knew most of the time I'd gave problems and finding you troubles but you've never think of giving up me and this relationship of ours. Though I've missed out many things in my life but I've got it all back from you.. Remembering you saying that you owed me in your last life?
Let me be the one returning you in my next life.. Thanks for rising rainbow after all storms and rain my dear, i have learned not to worry about love but to honor its coming with all my heart.. Let our love continue even till the end of time.
Once in a while ,in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale...
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