Wednesday, June 16, 2010 @ 12:54 AM
Its not my video, just sharing.. "Ochard road flood"
Its not my video, just sharing.. "Paragon flood"
Its not my video, just sharing.. "Lucky plaza flood"
Woke up early in the morn, cabbed down to town for work.. Surprisingly there was a huge jam from expressway all the way to town, i saw lots of traffic police, ambulance, civil defense and police car when i was stuck in the middle of the road, at first i thought there were accident or whatever, ended up the cab uncle told me orchard was flooded.. The huge jam last for an hour and i was super late for work, due to the road close outside far east, the cab uncle got to drop me off at shaw central and i had to walk down from the underpass to ck tangs. And damn it!! the underpass was flooded too, i saw lots of ppl walking with their bare foots, luckily i wore slipper so i just walk through the flood.. When i reached my place, its wasn't any customer and all the ppl there was like talking about the huge jam and flood.. Till 2plus 3, there's still not much customer, the whole beauty store was like so quiet. Baby came down for me on my break time and both of us headed to lucky plaza for lunch but there isn't much food store opening, even mac and watson was close due to the flood, everyone down at B1 was busying pouring out waters and trying to save their produces.. This was really my first time seeing such a big mess in town, seem like a disaster just struck its really scary and horrible. Knock off at about 8.30pm, closing my sales with only 5hundred plus lo.. Baby came to fetch me, we walked down the road and still there's floods around, we've got no where else to shop le so both of us cabbed right back to his place.. How scary it is, hope there won't be anymore floods around again..God bless..
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