Wednesday, June 9, 2010 @ 1:18 AM
First day of work today!!! woke up early in the morn @ 10.30am.. hoooo..tired.. Firstly i want to thank my dear baby who waited 8hours for me to konck off from work.. thanks baby:).. hummm, Quite boring on the 1st day as i cant serve anyone becuz of the training, accept my legs are breaking and the tagerts i had to get once my training is over, everything seems to be smooth today. I'm super tired lol, o ya there's this recycle thing going on in our company "mac", its a back to mac program.. Ppl out there if u have got ant 6 empty "mac" cosmatic glass or plastic bottles u can actually come back to any of our counters to exchange 1 brand new lipstick.. its quite worth it and a gd thing recylcling these empty bottles which u dont want.. hahas, im not trying to do any promotions here but just to into u ppl that there's this thing going on, dont worry our artist dont get any profits in this project.. Hais.. going back for work tml, gonna get some rest after min siong's hair cut by my baby, all the best to me tml.. gd night ppl..
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