Friday, June 4, 2010 @ 11:53 PM
Work up early in the morn, prepared and headed over to wm for Kris then over to office at HR to sign my employment letter.. :)I've passed my interview and mac hired me as their artist.. gonna start working on next Tuesday and if Elsie is willing she will also be starting her work on Monday.. congrats to the both of us:p.. After i've done with my employment letter, Kris and i headed down to to my mum's salon and i got myself a hair cut. Around 5pm both of us left for our dinner at Tangs then met up with Elsie for pedicure at far east and baby soon joined us after work.. Kris went back home around 10plus and the 3 of us have got nothing to do so decided to head back to bb csc to sing.. And end our day in the mid of the night.. hoo.. I'm so so so tired these few days, Should be super busy from next week onwards but with baby's encourage and for our future plans, i will bare with the all stress and tiredness.. jIa YoU JiA YoU JiA yOu!!!
Korea's latest glitter pedicure design.. Done at Far east "Bliss nail"
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