Tuesday, May 4, 2010 @ 11:09 PM
Went to back to baby's place last night, lol ying send me a new game "Nightclub" from fb and both of us was crazy over it.. Played the game till this morning 6plus then sleep.. Woke up aorund 3plus in the noon, kife called asked me if i could go back home earlier because m1 is sending ppl down to pass my bro his renew sim card.. But i did not go back on time, reached home around 7plus, took a bath and contiune playing N.club. Just then mummy called, and she told me they went to collect my aunt's ashes and her ashes turn out to be pink, normally all other ashes are grey white or with abit of yellow but my aunt's ashes are pink in colour and its strange.. So they asked the person in charge about it, and he told my cousins not to worry my aunt will go to a very peaceful place, pink ashes defines good, its also because of my family they prayed hard for my aunt and the person in charge seldom see this kind of ashes colour in the past.. What do u ppl think? Emmm, i know not everyone will believe in this saying but me myself i really hope its true:)
May god bless..
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