Saturday, May 1, 2010 @ 6:54 PM
Aunt's funeral has finally ended yst afternoon.. Bro and i attended her funeral on the 2nd day, we met up with all my other cousins and relatives.. This is the first time in my life attending my own famliy member's funeral, the feeling was like.. errhh!! i dun know how to explain, i told myself to hold back my tears but i just couldn't, i was seating right behind of my aunt's daughter "also known as my cousin" and she was like crying all the way while the christians were singing and talking about jesues, the moment when she turn back and look at me i can hardly control my own emotions too, i just slightly gave her a smile, look down and then tear out.. Everyone there tried hard to be strong and not to cry infornt of my aunt's coffin but all of us was really sad over this sudden death of my aunt.. Even my aunt's ex husband and her son that i've mention in my last post, i didn't know if they were true but i can see that they seem serious and changed after my aunt left.. I didn't go for the flower giving and burning ceremony yst, but my mum was there to see my aunt last time and she told me that my aunt's son actually cried and knee down infornt of all my other uncles and aunties, asked for forgiveness from all of them and he aplogised to my aunt for being such a bad son when she was alive.. Eventually everyone of us had forgived him treating his own mum badly after his mum's death because we all knew well that my aunt dotes her son alot and forgiving his son might be her last wish.. So my grandmother and my 2nd aunt hold him up and my grandmum told him that he used to be the most doted one in his mum's heart and yet he hurt her so much, he didn't owe any sorry to us only to his mum but still we all knew that his mum would forgive him, let by gone be by gone, just be good and treat his only sister well in future.. This really sounds drammatic isn't it? I was move with this scene, although i used to cursed my cousin because he treated my aunt damn badly in the past but i've changed abit of my thinking towards him after i heard this part of him from my mum and ya maybe all of us should forgive and forget give him another chance on the behalf of his mum.. Coming till the ending post of my aunt's funeral, still the same old pharse, really hope ppl out there would treasure everyone that you actually love and care so much.. Be forgiving, dun miss out any happy and loving moments with ur love ones..
In the loving memory of my eldest Aunt..
Baby fetched me back to his place, i was damn tired and hungry so we brought Mac for our dinner.. And baby did this to my fish burger.. my god...
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