Thursday, May 20, 2010 @ 8:10 PM
Huge storm blasted at my place last night, im so tired of all this.. Ppl always says that girls are all selfish, they couldn't accept their bf's to even contact with any other girls outside, i am a girl too yet again and again i've been generous enough to let them contact, i don't mind my bf to talk, msg or even meet up wit other girls out there, all i need was his honesty to let me know about it.. I've been giving out chances but all he did was to let me down, he knew it well that i hated ppl telling lies or keeping things from me esp those around me, but still he's the one who lied and kept things from me.. I don't care what u guys were talking about or whatever love thing u send, i don't want to say this, i knew that part of ur hypocrite, things u tried to do, things u said, words u wrote heaven knows and its enough. U didn't even give a simple respect to others, so you don't even blame others for not respecting u.. Says u are not childish, how mature can a person be acting pity at times, used words just to catch ppl's attention. Just sent whatever u want, i won't give a damn anymore..
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