Thursday, December 17, 2009 @ 11:57 AM
Dear, i felt so sorry about what happened last night, i really didn't meant to hurt you or make you feel that bit of sadness. Thanks for being there whenever i needed you and for being the nicest part in my life, i can turely felt all the love and care you had for me, whatever it is i wouldn't leave you and should stuck beside you till the end of time. I will lock you in the deepest point of my heart and nvr open up for others to even view a sight of you... As for your job, i knew that you've putted in lots of efforts and you don't wish to quit that job, work hard and keep it up then, as long as you like it, its okay if they didn't paid you well, we'll just have to smoke less and watch movie less. I believe we can do it, time after time everything will stable down and the angel will see us smile. No matter what i will accompany you walk pass all the thick and thins, keep our love alive:) And you sure have got my full support.. love you..
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