Wednesday, May 20, 2009 @ 1:23 AM
Meet, Angela to study and xiaoji n ah bee at teck whye community today. Let xiaoji n bee wait for hours today, pig sorry for letting u wait today i really told ah bee tat i will not be going down so early le dun scold scold again las, i'm sorry okay!! I neo u r very tired as u guys run down to lots of place to do ur event things but i didn really meant to make u wait okay. Btw fair horr, i scolded ahbee for the kovan superstar things but not u so peace okay. But i'm still angry ab u cuz u said u will msg me for the register and u fall asleep, still dare always say i nvr msg u only msg bee. U bluff me first wan okay. And i neo u will send mi to school tml but i dun wan to bother u le cuz i neo u r really tired so i didn go back bee house today. Gd nite and have a gd rest bas. Thanks again for everything. Lets jia you together bas:) sweetest dream pig u. .
Labels: i will stop myself before i starts to fall again for u
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