Friday, May 29, 2009 @ 8:47 PM

Jolin's compromise When to jolin's min concert yst with my little bro. HaHAS this song super power, cried after hearing this song. Then went to bee place find xiaoji. Super ma fan de him still ask mi to buy chocolate n the tibits i loved for him :) when i reach bee's place, stupid bee secretly ate the chocolates i brought for ji end up being scolded fot tat. And again we chatted the whole nite, dink drank drunk. Lol while eating the sweets was scolded by him again, he say "i tell u hor u better dun bite the sweets okay, tell u how many times le still dun neo how to listen". hummp hates. Then i smoke lo and was being scolded again, he said " smoke smoke smoke, smoke again, ask u to drink water u dun wan, ask u to smoke u wan to smoke" tao yan u. Then we all fall alseep. Huggs. I wish i could date an iresponsible relationship, lay on ur warm shoulder with ur hugs n kisses without worries and fears. . There might be too much of love in our past and now i'm scare i will fall back to u and compromise to u again. God will i?
Wednesday, May 20, 2009 @ 1:23 AM
Meet, Angela to study and xiaoji n ah bee at teck whye community today. Let xiaoji n bee wait for hours today, pig sorry for letting u wait today i really told ah bee tat i will not be going down so early le dun scold scold again las, i'm sorry okay!! I neo u r very tired as u guys run down to lots of place to do ur event things but i didn really meant to make u wait okay. Btw fair horr, i scolded ahbee for the kovan superstar things but not u so peace okay. But i'm still angry ab u cuz u said u will msg me for the register and u fall asleep, still dare always say i nvr msg u only msg bee. U bluff me first wan okay. And i neo u will send mi to school tml but i dun wan to bother u le cuz i neo u r really tired so i didn go back bee house today. Gd nite and have a gd rest bas. Thanks again for everything. Lets jia you together bas:) sweetest dream pig u. .
Labels: i will stop myself before i starts to fall again for u
Tuesday, May 19, 2009 @ 1:06 AM

Meet bee and xiao ji yst night, chat the whole night lo. We talk alot ab the pass things:) let bygone be bygone ba. . and i didn bluff ur gan qing okay mr. There r moments when i don't know what is real but everything had pass i don wish to turn back n look again. Mr chicken can u pls stop scolding me, whenever we met u oso got smthing to say and scold ab me lol. . I'm a big gal now okay i neo wat to do humpp. . scold scold scold!! hate u ar pigg. . So tired the whole nite, wait for xiaoji to fetch his mum in the morning, still dare msg me ask me to wait for him to come home. So i wait lo, till i was really tired den he msg me again and ask if i were hungry? but nope i'm not. After he came he send bee to camp den return back to bee house again. Slept for around one hour den wake him up lol, still the same horr like pig like tat hard to call him awake:) When he worke up den wait for him to bath and change den fetched me to school. Then exams starts. .
Monday, May 18, 2009 @ 2:09 AM

Happi birthday to mi!!
Saturday, May 16, 2009 @ 1:34 PM

To all my dearest gals, Thanks for making to efforts to come, all the presents and the touching celebrations at V3. . Sorry for the quick drunk yst. I'm really very happy to have u gals around and i am really move with everything tat u gals did . Once again thanks esp to : LanYing, Elise, Cuiyu, Joanna, Angie, Candy, Cecilia, Pamela, Jiasin and Cuiyun. And not to forget ab the guys, Hanqiang, kang, aloysius, lichen, zhihao and co thanks for the drinks and the wishing. Next is Amanda bithday celebration ltr at eastcoast chalet, Wish u a very happi brithday. Love all my lovely gals. .
Friday, May 15, 2009 @ 1:51 AM
Friday, May 8, 2009 @ 7:56 PM
Exams coming again!!!
o my god just took back my geo paper today, chee dan 4 1/2 wad the. . so jia lart lo, but lucky chem pass hahas. . got to jia you for the mid exams on the 21st. mother day coming too, wishing all the mummys,
Sunday, May 3, 2009 @ 2:35 AM
HapPi bIrThDaY tO My DeArEsT CuI yU!!
Just came back home from my Yu jie jie's chalet at costa sand resorts, its a gathering again and all of us came, happy birthday my dearest sister, all the best to u:) Every time when we meet up for gathering i will always flushed back lots of memories when we were still small girls. Lots of quarrels fights, sadness, fun, tears and loves between all of us. Now we all already grown up, quite a few got married, have babies, time really fly pass very fast, juz a blink and all of us became little ladies le. Fate made us together, and i'm sure all of us will continue walking through more thick and thins together and treasure each other. Hope amanda will be fine and get well soon. Damn lovely sisters i have. God pls bless amanda and all my dear sisters. Should see you gals soon. . misses. .
Just came back home from my Yu jie jie's chalet at costa sand resorts, its a gathering again and all of us came, happy birthday my dearest sister, all the best to u:) Every time when we meet up for gathering i will always flushed back lots of memories when we were still small girls. Lots of quarrels fights, sadness, fun, tears and loves between all of us. Now we all already grown up, quite a few got married, have babies, time really fly pass very fast, juz a blink and all of us became little ladies le. Fate made us together, and i'm sure all of us will continue walking through more thick and thins together and treasure each other. Hope amanda will be fine and get well soon. Damn lovely sisters i have. God pls bless amanda and all my dear sisters. Should see you gals soon. . misses. .
Saturday, May 2, 2009 @ 1:45 AM
Mr Benjamin Chen**
It's nice to met you, became friends and goes out tgt. My feelings tells me tat u are a nice and good person. I can oso see abit of sadness from u, :) you wont be happi if u kept turning back and look at the past. The things tat happened might be sad and miserable, i know it's really hard for u to forget or stop thinking about it. But ur life is not only about the past, only if u look up and continue with ur journey then u can sway off the unhappiness. "If god brings you to it, he will brings you through it." :)Dun worry, if whenever u feel lonely or u wanted to have someone to talk to, u can always call us up, we may not be good counselor but i believe we can be wonderful listeners. Jia you ba, U can do it man:) should see u soon and u looked more handsome with ur smiles on ur face so keep it there pls. .
It's nice to met you, became friends and goes out tgt. My feelings tells me tat u are a nice and good person. I can oso see abit of sadness from u, :) you wont be happi if u kept turning back and look at the past. The things tat happened might be sad and miserable, i know it's really hard for u to forget or stop thinking about it. But ur life is not only about the past, only if u look up and continue with ur journey then u can sway off the unhappiness. "If god brings you to it, he will brings you through it." :)Dun worry, if whenever u feel lonely or u wanted to have someone to talk to, u can always call us up, we may not be good counselor but i believe we can be wonderful listeners. Jia you ba, U can do it man:) should see u soon and u looked more handsome with ur smiles on ur face so keep it there pls. .
Friday, May 1, 2009 @ 11:44 PM

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