Happi birthday to mi!!
Saturday, May 16, 2009 @ 1:34 PM

To all my dearest gals, Thanks for making to efforts to come, all the presents and the touching celebrations at V3. . Sorry for the quick drunk yst. I'm really very happy to have u gals around and i am really move with everything tat u gals did . Once again thanks esp to : LanYing, Elise, Cuiyu, Joanna, Angie, Candy, Cecilia, Pamela, Jiasin and Cuiyun. And not to forget ab the guys, Hanqiang, kang, aloysius, lichen, zhihao and co thanks for the drinks and the wishing. Next is Amanda bithday celebration ltr at eastcoast chalet, Wish u a very happi brithday. Love all my lovely gals. .
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