Monday, October 17, 2011 @ 9:10 AM
A surprise from this mystery person "YL" he / she send these flowers to my counter and was shocked to receive. Hummm, though i don't know if u are my customer, passer by, someone i know but dun wanna tell or who u are in person i sincerely thank you for these beautiful flowers and thanks for your concerns.. You'd brightens up my busy day, but dun really have to waste money buying flowers, it will dries up someday isn't it? :) I'm just like a simple girl, i dont really need ex goods or flowers, like few yrs back i received DIY blue roses which was done by my ex bf and it already touches me, its the effort and heart that counts right?.. But still appreciated.. thanks..
My all:)
Last but not least
A pic stole from Joan hahashaas
My all:)
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