Thursday, October 6, 2011 @ 11:18 AM
Hey guys, i'm here to share with u ab the spirit of goose which inspired me and i personally i feels that we should learn from their spirit and how united they are.. I've found these insights written by: SUE CARPENTER about the characteristic of these beautiful goose. And i think i its really useful matters to work or even when facing other things in our life if we are willing to learn from them..(:
At the camp ppl did in a large tent on top of Miracle Mountain in Grangeville, and their last session was about the "Spirit of a Goose". The term "silly goose" in our culture is definitely not complementary. No one wants to be called a silly goose! But God has some lessons..
He wants us to learn from the goose - for instance, the "V" shape of their flight formation. By locking just to the back and side of the lead goose, the second geese behind can get extra lift and the third geese in line get even more lift, and so on..
This results in geese being able to fly 40% faster and 70% farther as a group than they can as individuals. Backing the leader helps Vision to be accomplished!!!
The second thing we learn is that this formation, although more efficient, really puts a strain on the lead goose. That's why they rotate the formation, as the lead goose tires the next one behind takes over. This way they don't kill their leader! What a great idea and the entire flock knows the load can't be completely on one to reach their goal. It's a team effort. Ability is less important that availability.
The third thing we learn from the geese is that if one is injured, two others will always fall out of formation with it. They will remain with the injured one until it recovers or dies. Then they will rejoin the next migration. God wants us to support those weaker in the flock - those injured spiritually, physically, emotionally.
The last lesson we can learn from the geese is about the sound they make. Almost everyone has heard geese flying overhead long before you see them, the familiar "HONK, HONK" in the skies.
I asked one of the children what they thought the HONK meant. A boy quickly replied, "Get out of the way!" They were surprised to learn that scientists have discovered the HONK really is a sound of encouragement geese give to each other as they fly. So if you could translate each HONK it might sound something like this, "Honk (You can do it!), Honk (We are almost there!), Honk (You are flying great!). All the way they are building each other up!
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