Saturday, March 13, 2010 @ 9:50 AM
Nana gave birth to babies:)..
Had to separate Pico and Nana in order to protect the little babies..
**Hamster tips **
- (Better for Pregnancies OR After birth hamsters)
- Cost about $7
Vitamins which the mother needs after birth .You can continue feeding it even after the caring of babies .
- After the babies are born , The mother will be very weak . So you need to feed it with Nutritious foods for the mother to be fit enough to feed her babies.
Meal worms - It has high protein Which is good .
(Note : you can only feed 1 mealworm for the mother a day )
Too much Protein will cause the mother to be over fat / Obesity which will lead to DEATH .
Apple Drops - It's hamster fruit "There are Vitamins & minerals in it." Very sumptuous
Yogurt Drops - Low fat , It's good to be mixed in with the meal worms :D
Carrot Cake - Not important , but there is more varieties for the hamster.
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