Saturday, January 3, 2009 @ 9:52 AM

Ha. . i'm back . . lot lots things happen this few days, busy no time for blogg and now finally can relax . . haahaa. . Went to Timbre last nite for Angelina's farewell with yesabell, joanna, angie and shell, so sad this is the 2nd farewell le. 1st time was 3 to 4 years back at changi airport and she had to move back to malaysia becuz of some reason. Many many memories appeared when all of us met up, we chatt about the old days when all of us were still very young and small. Felt so sadd she got to leave us for studies at swiss for around 5 years. Swiss. . so far away from here, 5 years . . it's a long long time. . But still happi for ah ger at least we know she's living gd. Ger all the best to u alright, must really take gd care for urself and we will be missing u till the day u come back, back home:)
Labels: missing angel
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