Tuesday, December 2, 2008 @ 1:58 AM

Damn tired today, so surprise bibi came last nite tot he went missing liao. Hais wake up early in the morning go meet my mum at courts to look for bed lo, felt abit gulity when i left bi alone sleeping at home at first but not long after i left bi called and said he will be going off soon to meet his friends go eat and look for jobs. Godd. .But it's okay la at least can move things here and there without having to concern if he is sleeping. After buying the bed, we left to causeway point for my cosmetic stuffs and then rush back home cuz my uncle wanted to get TV and Dvd player from us. 2nd surprise after i pass the things to my uncle, bi called again, he asked me if i would like to watch hong kong series, he can pass the dvd to mi cuz he was having lunch at my house downstair with his friends :) After he left all the troublesome things starts again and i was busy moving and fixing the furnish all day long. And my hero bro and son->Kife & Anton came back. . hAHaSs . .Everything became so simple when they came home. . Though it seems to be a TIRING day but because of my dearest mummy and bro was here with me, did whatever things we need to do together, there's still a little happiness feeling around. .
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