Monday, December 22, 2008 @ 10:33 AM
Many things actualy happened this few days lo haiss. . my dear friends Kan Kai Yi Dian ba, thing gonna be better soon okay. Jia you and gd luck. . This week should be quite busy ba no time for christmas celebration le, cuz eve got friend ROM den ask mi to help up for her makeup n hair lo den weekend still got one more bridal makeup o my tian. Received a msg from Noelle yst saying she's going to married on Feb n ask mi to be her makeup artist n sister, congrats gal. One by one all married, when will be mine?
Thursday, December 11, 2008 @ 1:45 AM

Yst, bi n mi woke up late in the nite and he said he wanna cook for mi den we went down to the 24hour market n brought fish, top shell, egg and some veg. At first bi cook the veg so nice, i keep eating it without waiting for bi lo. After tat i tried making the top shell, smells nice but bi kept saying the top shell was disgusting den he test eat one first and he splitted out lol still ask mi to try den i try lo, it taste really EEEeee sucks man. Idiot bi still ask mi try, the top shell really like shit man, den i ask bi to throw away n cook the fish. So funny lo he added salt to the fish like dun need money wan kept adding end up oso fail lo. So si bai my godd, den bo bian we add the rice to the veg and cook together with egg ended up still bot bad la but both of us already no mood to eat le yet we still try to eat o my god lo all bibi fault humpp. Today we woke up early oso den bi went down buy 4D, after tat we two quarreled over the stupid paint but was okay at nite after i help him trim his eyebrow den he went out le and i ran to my window there and wave bye to him. . Wad a day!!
Monday, December 8, 2008 @ 12:21 AM

Oo my dear Elsie broke her teeth again today, better go consult dentist okay my dear. Yst went to west mall with my bro and Demi for movie "BOLT" cute show. After tat kife reicived a cal from his friend saying his pay was out and than we went back home to put our things and headed to imm to get his pay yeahh can get my new bag on tuesday le thanx my dear bro. Went back home and sleep after tat, when i was on the way to dreamland my dearest bibi cal lol, so funny he told mi he cook for his mummy the oinon egg rice we both created but he failed. HaHa of cuz fail la becuz i'm not there guiding u my dear, jia you keep trying ba. . muackss;p
Saturday, December 6, 2008 @ 3:19 AM
BORED!! everyone sleeping le, hammp. .Baby already stay at my house for quite a few days le so went back hm tis afternoon. hahas stupid bi yst cook lots of food for mi end up hurt himself while cutting chilli. . poor thing :( but he still say nvr mind better than i get hurt if i cut, hais so sweet of him thanx bi for doing so many touching things. This few days keep rotting at home lo, Elsie msg mi and ask: u die le huh? lol nvr die la bodo, i got lock up ma:p u should neo wad i'm toking about ba. . Today my bro friend asked mi help her do smokey eyes make up, the outcome wasn't that nice maybe not suit her ba but she still like it. At nite she went geylang and brought frog leg prorridge back for us. After eating i went back my room n clear all the clothes tat i dun wan le, sleepy right now le worss. . ZzZZzz. .
Tuesday, December 2, 2008 @ 1:58 AM

Damn tired today, so surprise bibi came last nite tot he went missing liao. Hais wake up early in the morning go meet my mum at courts to look for bed lo, felt abit gulity when i left bi alone sleeping at home at first but not long after i left bi called and said he will be going off soon to meet his friends go eat and look for jobs. Godd. .But it's okay la at least can move things here and there without having to concern if he is sleeping. After buying the bed, we left to causeway point for my cosmetic stuffs and then rush back home cuz my uncle wanted to get TV and Dvd player from us. 2nd surprise after i pass the things to my uncle, bi called again, he asked me if i would like to watch hong kong series, he can pass the dvd to mi cuz he was having lunch at my house downstair with his friends :) After he left all the troublesome things starts again and i was busy moving and fixing the furnish all day long. And my hero bro and son->Kife & Anton came back. . hAHaSs . .Everything became so simple when they came home. . Though it seems to be a TIRING day but because of my dearest mummy and bro was here with me, did whatever things we need to do together, there's still a little happiness feeling around. .
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