Welcome baby Jayrius
Sunday, May 27, 2012 @ 11:12 PM
Welcome Baby Jayrius..
When to Thomson Medi Centre to visit Dar.. congrats girl hope u have a speedy recovery:) loves
Lene with baby Jayrius
Headed back to lot one with Cui, Ying and Lene for our dinner.. Ting ting joined us awhile ltr.
Ice chocolate with ice cream.. besti..
Went to Lene's hus chit chat after out dinner.. this is her posh, i like her so much so guai omg..
The 800 green parrot, kinda noisy but quite friendly though..
Xue fen came, we had a small chat with her then cabby home as we were tired, while Ying stayed back for MJ.. Hummm.. She had a kindest heart of all, may god bless her with a smoother and better life ahead.. All the best babe:)
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