All for love..
Sunday, May 13, 2012 @ 4:14 AM
Came across this very touching link from fb.. Ppl are ppl, at times we tend to neglect things around and even forgetting to love those who really needed to be love. After watching this video, many little things came flashing in my mind, i turned to baby Hiccup and hugged him promised i will nvr ever abandon him like those who did to their pets. Ppl find them cute when they first bring them back, let them know where is "home" and as they grow ppl tend to forget their cuteness and start treating them cruely. I don't know how these ppl did it, how can they treat these poor little pets like pest, did these ppl just forgotten how much their pets loved them when they brought them back telling them this is home or ppl like them just don't know what is love.. I don't know how far will it goes, but i really hope that i can give a hand by spreading the news to reach more ppl out there, who is willing to give these poor little babies a new home and to love them with their whole heart as this is all i could do.. If i had a chance how i wished i could adopt at least one of these puppies back and fulfilled my promises to love them for my all life till time ends.. So readers if u have a heart and a soul, and if u are able to help them, please do so, i sure these babies would loved to be love by u!!
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