Its been yrs seen we last met..
Thursday, May 31, 2012 @ 4:35 PM
Spend my last day of May with my bao bei Elsie and a long lost friend.. Daryl.. hahas many little memories kind of flows out of my mind.. Time really flies, 5 damn years just passed by without us noticing..
Woke up early in the morn at 8am.. 3hours of sleep causing me headache for the rest of the day. Received Daryl's msg saying meeting at 11.30am instead of 10.30am so our high tea became lunch.. Prepared and headed off to lot one, meet up with Elsie and cabbed over to 313 for war!!! Daryl joined us at 313, went for a smoke with Daryl while waiting for Elsie to exchange her burned blouse.. Good luck to the management of Joop** And finally we had our lunch at Taka Sushi teh.. The dessert was fabulous lo..
After our lunch all of us went over to Far east, packed the dessert for Vincent at his shop.. The lighting there so nice, looked more slim hahas..
Daryl and Elsie left for home and dinner while i hang around at the shop wit Vincent.. la la la had a great chat with him and a good day with all of them.. All the best to Daryl see ya soon on your next visit to Singapore.. misses..
Lastly thanks Vincent for the little kitty:) im loving it..
Monday, May 28, 2012 @ 11:35 AM
早 知 道 你 只 是 飞 鸟
拥 抱 後 手 中 只 剩 下 羽 毛
当 初 你 又 何 必 浪 费
那 麽 多 咖 啡 和 玫 瑰 来 打 扰
我 想 要 安 静 的 思 考
天 平 上 让 爱 恨 不 再 动 摇
一 想 你 就 平 衡 不 了
我 关 灯 还 是 关 不 掉 这 风 暴
心 一 跳 爱 就 开 始 煎 熬
每 一 分 每 一 秒
火 在 烧 烧 成 灰 有 多 好
叫 思 念 不 要 吵
我 相 信 我 已 经 快 要
快 要 把 你 忘 掉
跟 寂 寞 再 和 好
得 不 到 也 不 要 乞 讨
怎 麽 做 不 需 要 别 人
转 告 在 陷 的 太 深 的 海 底
我 也 只 剩 下 我 自 己 能 依 靠
心 一 跳 爱 就 开 始 煎 熬
每 一 分 每 一 秒
火 在 烧 烧 成 灰 有 多 好
叫 思 念 不 要 吵
我 相 信 我 已 经 快 要
快 要 把 你 忘 掉
跟 寂 寞 再 和 好
我 相 信 我 已 经 快 要
是 真 的 我 快 要
快 要 可 以 微 笑
去 面 对 下 一 个 拥 抱
Welcome baby Jayrius
Sunday, May 27, 2012 @ 11:12 PM
Welcome Baby Jayrius..
When to Thomson Medi Centre to visit Dar.. congrats girl hope u have a speedy recovery:) loves
Lene with baby Jayrius
Headed back to lot one with Cui, Ying and Lene for our dinner.. Ting ting joined us awhile ltr.
Ice chocolate with ice cream.. besti..
Went to Lene's hus chit chat after out dinner.. this is her posh, i like her so much so guai omg..
The 800 green parrot, kinda noisy but quite friendly though..
Xue fen came, we had a small chat with her then cabby home as we were tired, while Ying stayed back for MJ.. Hummm.. She had a kindest heart of all, may god bless her with a smoother and better life ahead.. All the best babe:)
Gathering with the beloveds..
Thursday, May 24, 2012 @ 11:22 PM
Steam boat session with the ladies at golden mile and headed to Inbar then Illusion met Bel and all chill out. Had a great time with all of them.. Home sweet home at 12 with Cui.. I guess almost all was drunk because if that bomb bomb thingy, esp Ahdi hahahs..
@ 4:07 AM
Wednesday, May 23, 2012 @ 7:58 AM
Hey guys here's another Make up artist blog to share with u.. Check out for more Make up tips and Artistry here:)
Coming soon..
Remember to stay tune for my very first Make up vlog.
Thanks for viewing..
Monday, May 21, 2012 @ 5:23 PM
Went to KBOX with Miss lim:).. lol she kept playing those old old classic songs expect me to sing hahas..
Went back home for my baby boy after singing.. lol..He's damn funny;p
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