Saturday, April 23, 2011 @ 3:09 PM
Went to Cuiyu's grandmums place to celebrate baby Jerrel's birthday hoo, he's so cute my god.. Went straight back to baby's place after the celebration..humm been attending csp courses and staying at baby's place throughout the whole week. Everyday busying with class decor, graduation decor all this and that, so damn tiring.. Coming up next is my hus renovation, should be moving to baby's place again while renovation's going on.. Hopefully everything's gonna be as smooth ba..
Sunday, April 17, 2011 @ 2:10 AM
Ermm, its my off day tml.. Gotta be surprise how come my off day will change to sunday instead of mon humm all becuz of the stupid Rcsp course next week, so got to change my off day to sunday, but nvr mind cuz its my dear's off day as well.. Didn't get to have the same off day with him for a long long time, gonna have a gd time with him:) Though there's many many little things happening throughout this 2months between dear and but i guess the both of us had already put down almost every single thing that we've been arguing all this months. In a relationship i always believed all the rights and wrongs came from both the parties, as long as each other knows how to give and take there shouldn't be a problem solving problems tgt.. This time round i guess the both of us had passed the test which god gave to us but there's more to go in future, i really hope we will be able to over come everything tgt as we already gone through so much... Hummm, still waiting for dear to be back, pls COME BACK EARLIER my dear!! waiting for u waiting for you.. loves
Sunday, April 10, 2011 @ 1:18 AM
I didnt know when i lost you, the love we shared, the sweetest memories, ill keep it safe so you'll be free.. I'll hold the tear and keep it inside, you told me so, if you ever go, matter of time, true love will be unfold. Every word it fills my mind and your smile, it lingers.. I'm not just getting easy, i just couldn't find a way to make it better. I miss you so much my dear.. The photos by my bed and all the settings, they stay the same. I'm getting used to live my life each day with a prayer, the world can pass me by but i don't care.. They said that time is gonna heal pain but i know it won't for me..
Hope things will get better after this cold period of ours, all the arguments between us will soon be past and we can build up a better future for the both of us.. love you...
@ 1:03 AM
Its been a long time seens i last blog.. humm been busying for work!!! Gonna blog all once and for all..
3th April 2011
Firstly its my grandmum's birthday celebration at uncle's place..
6th April 2011
Sisters gathering at Jesly's Jia tou
Mac theme day..
Viva galm Gaga 2
Quite Cute Theme day
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