Sunday, January 31, 2010 @ 3:36 PM
Movie with baby @ Jurong point last night, both of us watched... 2 shows, :) " 14 blades" & "Tooth fairy" **thumbs u;p**
@ 3:35 PM
"I would give up everything for one moment with you, for one moment that is better than a life time of never knowing you."
Friday, January 29, 2010 @ 3:57 PM
Vin & Clair
..The Story Grown By You And I..
Lots of things happened yst night, but everything's fine back now, storm's over, baby, i'm sry again... Chatted with baby the whole night till morning 4plus 5.. Its tiring but guess its wroth tiring.. Again we've chatted lots about our future, from our career to our marriage.. Yes there's still a long way from here, i'll have to earn some capital in order to earn others smiles in future, dear i knew you will always be there for me but you should be very well understand that i really really hope i could count on my own. You might thought that i didn't give u the chance to set a part as my boyfriend in helping me out but you already help alot in giving me ur words and moral support, i needed it and its really really enough.. For now the most important thing is ur own career, i really don't wish to see u giving up as i knew u had been working very hard on it, i don't want stress to over step ur career.. Dear, i can see ppl around lending u their hands and giving out skills to you and u did learned a lot from them isn't it? Just keep it up, i know u can do it , there's stress in everyone and anything but there's always a way out through every single problems we met in life, i believe we can work things out tgt and i will be by ur side, witness all ur fails till u succeed .. After all the hard works its our marriage waiting for us at another starting point, i promise i would fulfill ur wish and be the last girl in ur life.. Even if we cant have our wedding vows in my childhood church or even our celebrations on my dream yacht, i will still follow ur foot steps, step by step walk down to the end of time.. and i mean it:)
reverof evol i..
Lots of things happened yst night, but everything's fine back now, storm's over, baby, i'm sry again... Chatted with baby the whole night till morning 4plus 5.. Its tiring but guess its wroth tiring.. Again we've chatted lots about our future, from our career to our marriage.. Yes there's still a long way from here, i'll have to earn some capital in order to earn others smiles in future, dear i knew you will always be there for me but you should be very well understand that i really really hope i could count on my own. You might thought that i didn't give u the chance to set a part as my boyfriend in helping me out but you already help alot in giving me ur words and moral support, i needed it and its really really enough.. For now the most important thing is ur own career, i really don't wish to see u giving up as i knew u had been working very hard on it, i don't want stress to over step ur career.. Dear, i can see ppl around lending u their hands and giving out skills to you and u did learned a lot from them isn't it? Just keep it up, i know u can do it , there's stress in everyone and anything but there's always a way out through every single problems we met in life, i believe we can work things out tgt and i will be by ur side, witness all ur fails till u succeed .. After all the hard works its our marriage waiting for us at another starting point, i promise i would fulfill ur wish and be the last girl in ur life.. Even if we cant have our wedding vows in my childhood church or even our celebrations on my dream yacht, i will still follow ur foot steps, step by step walk down to the end of time.. and i mean it:)
reverof evol i..
Tuesday, January 26, 2010 @ 5:07 PM
We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.
And if your love for me is the answer, will you please repeat the question..
Went back to baby's place last night, woke up early in the morn for breakfast at my house downstairs and baby headed off to work.. Valentine's around the corner, wow, it had been so long seen i last celebrated valentine, and the last was with my dear gal at chalet omg.. How would it feels like with my dear around in this valentine??
Should wait and see ba:)..Saturday, January 23, 2010 @ 3:50 AM
Woke up in the mid of the night, baby's still sound asleep in my bedroom, bored.. Finished watching the show "家好月圆" in just 4days, its a nice and touching show, watched non stop even when working. Just don't know why i cant get asleep, i should be very tired after watching the show whole day long... hummm... mmmm...
Thursday, January 21, 2010 @ 11:45 AM
Pico and Nana had a quarrel:(
But guess they're fine back now..
So sweet of them:)
Wednesday, January 20, 2010 @ 5:55 PM
Stayed over night at baby's place last 2night, and he cooked this for me:)
Csc with bryan, olivia and baby yst!!
Sunday, January 17, 2010 @ 5:42 PM
Waited for baby knock off, met him at Jurong point for dinner then catch up wit a movie "Its complicated" funny show lo:)
Saturday, January 16, 2010 @ 7:22 PM
Dear fetched me over to Joey's birthday bbq at east coast with Bryan. Then headed to Marina Barrage with Kife, Anton, Ah wei, Bryan, Min siong and dear..

"In my thoughts of you there is an underlying love that is present in every word, every glimpse I hope you feel it as I do, for it is what I am and ever I will be."

Went back home after that, wasn't in the mood for anything today, tired and boring day!!
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