Bro's Graduation..
Friday, May 31, 2013 @ 3:57 PM
It's my dearest bro's Graduation:)
Congrats darling, you've made us all so proud of u..
Keep it up and may success happen in ur bright future!!
Sweetest 24th..
Sunday, May 19, 2013 @ 11:02 PM
Happy birthday to me:)
Turi beach resort
Celebrated my birthday almost every year with my families and friends,
so this year i've decided to spent my day with love..
And my dearly brother actually booked a trip to Turi beach Resort for me and my love as my
birthday present:)
Thanks bro!!
It's a sucha nice place for relxing..
Lunch at Taming Cafe
Rich man!! hahahahahahas
Room 203
Its our room balcony with a good viewing!
Our room:)
My sweet little thing
ah hahahaha
Room service
Small drink with love before our massage session..
Had our massage at Tspa
Right after massage its dinner time:)
Grill teppanyaki
Day 2
Woke up damn early for American breakfast before checking out..
After checking out both of us headed off to Nagoya hill mall had J co
and A&W lol..
Back to Singapore around 6 plus in the eve..
Although it's a kinda long and tiring journey to and forth, but i felt really great
and different because every year it was all about party and having fun with my beloveds
and this year i had bi, all alone wit him;p
Thanks baby for being by me all this while u brought sparks to my life..
Though it was a little boring at the resort but u nvr fail to accompany me throughout,
with u life became great
and if it isn't u accompanying me this year, my birthday won't be the sweetest one..
Thank uU ah bii;)
...Loving u always...
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