We work.. we share.
Sunday, April 28, 2013 @ 5:20 AM
A small campaign for the elderly:)
Many times in life we work, earn, we get ourselves busy but we always forgot and neglected
those who needed us..
Here's a chance for u and ii to space out a little for those whom we had been neglecting..
Join us now at Stayfit, matters to donating or volunteering, be a part of us and contribute a little for the elderly..
Trip to River Safari
Sunday, April 21, 2013 @ 11:59 PM
Met up with my baby early in the morn for breakfast and tgt we headed to River safari.
We brought our tix at a discounted price of 25sgd due to the lack of attractions at River Safari
Price would be gone back as usual probably when the Wild amazon river quest is open..
They have got a total of 7 rivers, 1 river quest and 3 forest in River safari.
The first river we came by was
In Mississipi river there are
American Beaver
Can anybody see me? I'm sleeping!!
Alligator snapping turtle
Mississipi paddlefish
Giant freshwater Puffer
It's the most biggest pufferfish??
So in Congo river they have got also the Jewel Cichild and Congo Tetra but i didn't manage to take down any of the pix..
The 3rd river
And yea.. i didn't get to take any pics from here as well!! becuz of the lighting and all.. ahh
So its the 4th now..
Indian Gharial
They are sooooo damn big lol!! like statue
We are supposed to be seeing the softshell turtle and Goonch catfish here but there isn't any!!
5th River they have
NO PIX!!!!
lighting too dark for Australian lungfish and dunno if there is any Red clawed crayfish and Murray cod
Didn't see!!!!!!
Coming up next
Mekong giant catfish
Unable to get a shot of the Crab eating macaque and i see no Giant fresh water Stingray as well..
The last river
Chinese alligator
Giant salamander
There should be Sturgeon in the river but again and again we didn't see any:(
After visiting the 7 different kinds of rivers we have come to the
Its the favorite part of River safari i wanted to go becuz
The first thing we came across in this air conditioner forest was this two little
Red panda.
They are sooo cute isn't it??
This cute one poo and wiped his butt on the rock flooring!! So smart of him yea;p
In the Giant panda forest they are also featuring Golden pheasant but i couldn't get their pix
they were hiding..
It's the Giant panda!!
Its either Kai kai or Jia jia, i guess another one is sick or wad only one panda could be seen.
At the end of the Giant Panda forest its a Panda Paradise
"House of Kai kai and Jia jia"
Selling varies goodies inspired by the panda and my darling brought one
super cute panda hat for his baby nephew it looks like this
CUTE hor????
awwwwwW WWWWa
Right beside the Panda's shop they have got this Mama Panda Kitchen
its a chinese restaurant with panda theme bites.. cool hor..
The most cool thingy is this mango ice blended drink with a panda thing
attached on the straw.... $$$$$ 7.90sgd
You can find it everywhere selling in river safari it's so costly
Upon walking to the next forest we came by the Wild amazon river quest
We will have to miss it, it's not even ready yet..
See no touch!!
Next its
In this hot weather we saw this little adorable thing which comfort us down
ah hahahahahhaa
Sleepy head squirrel monkey!!
He is freaking funny, he kept falling off the tree branch but he continued sleeping after he adjusted
back his sleeping position. HAHAHAS
Lastly its the
Another aircon paradise at river safari!!
Angel fish
Mata Mata
Electirc eel
Red bellied Piranha
Black barred myleus
Cat fish
Giant river otter
Coming to the end of our River safari trip!!!
Not bad la, but a bit disappointed we didn't get to see some of the fishes that we were supposed to be
Hopefully it would be a great place to visit after the Wild amazon quest is open
and i guess i will still come back only when is able to take the boat ride..
Happy viewing:))
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