AFA 2012..
Monday, November 12, 2012 @ 2:49 AM
10 Nov
11 Nov
This is freaking cool right?.. guess wad? hahas i stole it from my bro;p..
Thanks for all who had came and supported The butlers Cafe 2012.. o ya.. hahas i met one of bro's blog reader "u know who u are:)" she came forward to say hi to me because she knows i am my bro's sis, she do read my blog "yea" and even offered me to join her friends and her.. The best thing was she came to the cafe twice in a day to support the butlers.. So nice and kind of her.. Looking forward for next year's AFA hopefully there will be surprises coming up like, something little different or even maybe a butler cafe reunion etc..etc... hmmm...
Lastly i've got this!!! How awesome it is ya!!
Thursday, November 8, 2012 @ 3:54 PM
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