No mirror make up challenge..
Saturday, September 29, 2012 @ 6:10 PM
Hey ppl this is just for laughs PLEASE DO NOT FOLLOW..
"No mirror make up challenge"
Enjoy the video:)
Fish Spa at QianHu & JB Trip..
@ 3:19 AM
Met up with one of my childhood bro Ah Shun to farm mart, they have this god damn big stall there selling varies of dog stuffs! Im sure if any dog lovers happen to come over to this farm mart stall they will at least purchase something for their dearly pet before they step out of the stall because almost everything there is damn CHEAP!!! AwwW.. And indeed Shun and i shopped quite afew dog food and snacks for both his 2 dogs and my baby Hiccup:)
After shoppings both of us headed to Qian Hu and decided to try on their Fish spa.. I was quite afraid in the first place as it was my first time trying but i just dont look at it arggghhh put my legs into the water and....!!! Hahas kept laughing throughout the whole session.. No pain just fear.. hmmm kinda fun anyway:) After that Fish spa thingy we walked around the area and they do sell fishes, fish stuffs and etc.. Sucha nice place to visit and yap for fish lovers im pretty sure u will love this place..
Went in to JB with Siti and AhShun for lunch, wanted to go legoland but ran out of time so headed back to Singapore after some shoppings:)
Abalone noodles..yummy
Dont know what is this call but this is damn nice.. haas..
Thursday, September 27, 2012 @ 3:47 AM
我鏡子裡的她 好陌生的臉頰 哪個我是真的哪個是假?
我用別人的愛定義存在怕生命空白 卻忘了該不該讓夢掩蓋當年那女孩..
會閃躲 還是說你更愛我?
我怕沒有人愛 不算存在生命剩空白..
The.Kife photography..
Tuesday, September 25, 2012 @ 10:53 PM
Hey guys, i'm helping a friend of mine to promo some of her selling clothes feel free to PM
for more clothing designs and details..
Thanks for viewing:)
Wandering Poet..
Friday, September 21, 2012 @ 7:52 PM
当爱情转身离开这场雨结束了 没有人看见淋湿的我
我哭了 是不想让你忘记我的脸
我站在诗的第一句 我在最后一行
Thursday, September 20, 2012 @ 6:14 PM
I phone5 Review..
Wednesday, September 19, 2012 @ 11:00 PM
Bye Jouri...
Monday, September 17, 2012 @ 1:15 PM
Whose birthday??
Nah... Its Jouri's Farewell...
Had a small farewell party for Jouri at home..
Hope he did enjoyed his last moment with us here in Singapore:)
Thanks guys for coming...
Sending Jouri off to airport...
Time really flies... With a blink of an eye 2 months passed by, thinking back everything seem like it just happened only yesterday.. Though at times bro and Jouri had some arguments at home or even outside but i can truly feel that special kind of friendship in between the two of them. I believed it was fate who bring Jouri to our family and i really hope this fated kind of relationship would last till time end..
"Jouri, Its really great to have u with us these days.. All the best to u when you're back in Holland, hopefully u will be able visit us soon in Singapore. Gonna miss u!! Don't u dare forget us ya;p".
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