Saturday, December 31, 2011 @ 10:34 AM
Coming till the end of 2011 here's our last theme day of the year and so this theme day look was kinda different from those we did in the past, it was not base on the any new launch collection but more on trend look..
Now we have M.A.C at scotts isetan
Presenting you
1 of the 4 fashion trend make up look
Feminine feel..
A masculine, boy-girl attitude..
Keep away from bright colors on the eyes. Can be earthy tone "browns" or smoky kind of eye look..
No longer thin but well shaped thick eye brow..
Sculpt the skin, highlight and contour..
Finish up with a matt lip, use either red or nude colors..
Part ll
Zona's last day at scotts.. All the best to her..
It's Natehill high featuring Christmas and NY greetings from my Brother "Kife" and some other new bloggers .. So dear all, pls feel free to visit Natehill's interesting blog:)
Kindly visit my bro's blog to support as well..
Stay tune for more interesting up comings..
thank thank.:D
Sunday, December 25, 2011 @ 2:55 AM
When it rains on Christmas eve in the ending of the year, there's a kind of raucous silence, like bright color mixed with rain.
Looking at the silent night street from the window, everything look so still, so quiet..
Thanks all for the Christmas presents.. appreciated:)
Thursday, December 15, 2011 @ 8:11 PM
Hmm, its been a month seen i've last updated my blogg.. Yes, my blog is dying soon because i had been busying over crazy events, meetings and gatherings, make overs and private sales this Dec and finally i get to fork out a little bit of my time to shout out here!!! Here-by i wanna thanks all who had supported in buying our heart and soul Vv glam lipsticks n glosses on the 1st of Dec "M.A.C world AIDS day" event held at all mac stores and of cause not forgetting my mummy, uncles and aunties for purchasing all of our kids helping kids greeting cards.. Hope u guys enjoyed the M.A.C muffins, formulated by one of the famous chef in s'pore and muffins was also helped topped up by most of our artists:).. Though i didnt manage to join them in baking the M.A.C muffins due to some reasons but i was kinda moved and regretted for the missed of joining them in the baking section. I promised myself i will not miss it if there's a chance next yr..Alright stop my nonsense and start sharing some photos we took on the world aids day 1 of Dec and these month fashionable theme days pics from Isetan scotts s'pore with u guys:) Hope u enjoy the postings..
M.A.C a muffin:)
【催淚廣告】爸,你在哪? 我不要玩了,出來啦...超心酸影片
Sunday, December 11, 2011 @ 12:01 AM
This advertisement kind of touches me and made me cried throughout..I'm sure its a meaningful one.. Guys click this video and watch with no regrets..
Tuesday, December 6, 2011 @ 1:56 AM
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