Monday, April 5, 2010 @ 12:16 AM
11.43pm, 17mins more to the 4th months of ours yet im alone at home playing computer game.. Believe or not, i've been seating in front of the com repeating playing the same game at the same level for the past few hours but i just couldn't win the game.. I tried many ways sorting the cards but still i kept losing, for that moment i thought maybe its not because of the way how i sort the cards made me kept losing the game, maybe its all about fate, fate wanted me to lose.. Just like our relationship, its all written down and we couldn't change things from happening.. I thought there might be a full stop in our relationship on this day but i didn't give up, i don't want to.. I kept on playing, and now i finally won the game, but i'm not sure if i've broke the spell of that written script.. I'm so so so confused.. I felt so terrible..
I wish i could just make you turn around and see me cry. There's just an empty space, nothings left here to remind me just the memory of your face..
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